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  1. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    It should be. I favorited it. Will refer to it in as I go along and in the future!
  2. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thanks for the input but I am doing a hydro dwc grow. I switched over to FF nutes yesterday will add a extra 2 tsp of their micro/grow tomorrow. What do you guys think about removing dead or dieing lower leaf growth? Should I just let them be?
  3. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Nice! I was interested in growing a OG as well. Lets see how this grow turns out then maybe I will consider ordering seeds from nirvana or some other seed bank. Yeah that is what I am worrying about but hopefully all goes well and I am able to harvest without issues. The FF nutes are causing...
  4. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    No worries but out of curiosity which indicas do you usually prefer to grow? Yeah it would be but I don't think you have to right? During my first grow two of them turned out being male and I just cut their stalks. I left their netpots/roots and just covered them with a piece of tin foil. The...
  5. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Wow, really wish I read this before starting. Would of saved a lot of time lol
  6. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Yes exactly. I wish I could separate them but the way the roots have formed a bundle within the res, makes it impossible to separate quickly. Its pretty tangled. So I figure in my next grow I will do separate 5-gal buckets. But I have question. Say one of the plants turn out being female after I...
  7. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thanks, I have started it now. He truly is genius. Yeah gotta research more before posting. I just get worried I am doing something wrong so I figure it will save time/cause less stress to the plant if I find a quicker solution. But still not a excuse lol.
  8. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Yeah I came to the realization separating them will be impossible. I was thinking of putting them in separate units and figured it would make things easier but after looking at the root-bundle I decided to stick to the single res. In my next grow I will do separate buckets because for my grow...
  9. learning05

    Tangled Roots and Transplanting. 6 Weeks of Veg. Worth it?

    I should mention that they are three unknown gender/strain plants that have been started from seed in rockwool, hydroton, and net-pots. What would you do, leave them be and switch to flower or detangle/transplant them and hope it doesn't cause so much stress as to turn them male?
  10. learning05

    Tangled Roots and Transplanting. 6 Weeks of Veg. Worth it?

    Is it possible to transplant 3 plants from a 8-gal res to three separate 5-gal buckets? Their roots have already grown in and have tangled in a bundle. It seems as if they are competing for space in my current res and I think having them in a separate res will make them grow better. They seem to...
  11. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    FF nutes arrived!! So how does one go about separating roots in a DWC? I have a bundle that looks like it can be detangled but will take a long time and would have to be manually separated. The longer the lid is open the more the roots get exposed to light so I don't want to cause root rot but...
  12. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I am thinking of doing it soon, I am waiting on FF nutes. After I fix the issue I have now, then I will give the plants a week more of veg with the FF nutes. Then I will switch the lights over and follow the FF feeding schedule. So in about a week and a half. Hoping for at least for one female...
  13. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    It seems like it is going to be hard. They seem pretty tangled. It is like a bundle. But I will try to gently seperate them tomorrow. Hopefully, it doesn't cause much stress. I will post back with an update but I have a feeling they won't separate easily.
  14. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Yes, I definitely want to get feminized seeds but I am not to sure about how safe shipping them will be in terms of the law. Got any advice on that?
  15. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Temps have been 74-81 f with two oscillating fans moving air in and out. I also have a inline fan bring in air from the outside into the closet. Humidity is around 30% due to the cold air but since it has been getting warmer it is usually at 35% with the door open lights on and raises to a max...
  16. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Second grow in the same system. The first grow I grew 3 plants. Two were males and one was a female. I had less CFLs and lumens but got a yield close to 2 oz. But conditions were a lot less controlled than this time around.
  17. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I need help please. My questions: What causes a leave to brown at tips and edges? A deficiency right. A tint of yellow and browning of tips which start from the bottom up is usually an indication of a nitrogen issue correct? Why aren't my other two plants displaying nitrogen issues? Why does one...
  18. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Confused. Need some clarity....
  19. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I got three plants in the res and it is hard to post a clear picture of all three. The further away I am from the plants the less visible the brown areas become. Here is a video of them. I start with the left plant that is showing browning on the tips of the new growth as well as old. The other...
  20. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I am going to give the foliar spray a try today. Don't want to add more mg in the res incase I do have nute burn. I have also diluted my res water by topping off with plain water. Dropped the PPM from 970 to 850. I also adjusted the PH to a 5.6. I think that may have been the issue since I...