Unkown problem whith a plant.

Hello, this is how my grow is going so far. They look healthy but i'm going to change them to bigger pots, because the roots are already escaping from the bottom of the pot. But there's this one plant that look unhealthy, really yellow, and it's appearing some gray/brown spots on the leaves, can any one help me whit this one?

Thank you!DSC04552.jpgDSC04568.jpgDSC04572.jpgDSC04573.jpgDSC04559.jpg


Well-Known Member
Details....all of them please. To me at a glance id say an alien landed on it and when the spaceship was taking off it sprayed some oil from its exhaust pipe on it....??? :):):)


Active Member
What nutrients have you provided them with? Which soil? PH range? Temps? Humidity? I am not a soil grower but hope I can provide some useful insight.


Active Member
"Smoking pot gives me energy and makes me more productive. Its a crime against humanity to control this substance. I am not a criminal, im just a nice guy that gets high. The end of prohabition is near. Thank you to everyone that helped." So SO very truee


Active Member
They look rootbound hun...
Transplant ASAP and make sure you CAREFULLY loosen-up any matted roots... Use Superthrive, or Rapid Start when you transplant to keep them from getting transplant shock...

When you can see the roots out the bottom, they have used-up what soil is in there and the roots are so tight that they can't uptake nutrients properly...
Transplant & feed.... should be ok... a little stunted maybe- but they'll bounce back. ;)
Thanks for your help. By tomorrow they'll be transplanted, but I don have Superthrive or rapid start, and i can't order one right now, do you think it will be a problem?
The soil is 'auto mix' but i don't know any values of ph, temps and humidity, cause i haven't bought a termometer yet. Actually I don't even know what tools I need to measure those stuff. I don't know that well what are the ideal conditions of ph humidity, etc. Don't judge me x) this is my first grow, i'm still learning and gathering all the tools, so if you could tell me or give me a link with that informations and the tools that are needed I would be very thankfull. And sorry about my wrinting english is not my mother language


Active Member
It hard to say what the cause is if you haven't measured the ph, humidity, or temps? Another consideration is insect issues? But again until you have a controlled indoor environment their could be a lot of causes. Hope it stays healthy!

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
It looks over watered and under fed to me. Since the soil is uknown it is a guessing game. I would still let it dry out then feed it. Good luck.


Auto Mix Soil? Never heard of it. have you grown with this dirt before? Have you grown before :lol: I have to ask cause dirt isn't just dirt I'd go with fox farm ocean forest but I don't think you can clone in it these are clone looking