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  1. m23mark

    Can i change my username

    Does anyone know if it is possible to change your username on this site??
  2. m23mark


    Do you have any more pics?
  3. m23mark

    My last 5 posts/threads i started

    What does subscribed thread mean is that just when you post a reply on a thread started by someone else??
  4. m23mark

    My last 5 posts/threads i started

    Dont think that works mate just tried it...if i click on my profile though i can find the info that way but its a bit of a mission
  5. m23mark

    having some trouble navigating tha sight

    Im having the same problem too my roll it up is one of the only tools on the site i use now i cant find it :-(
  6. m23mark

    My last 5 posts/threads i started

    Hi everyone since the roll it up server has been updated when i click on my roll it up it does not show me my last 5 posts or threads i started...does anybody know where this is now?? Cheers
  7. m23mark

    Recommend me a Strain folks :)

    I would normally say snow white, nirvana. Its easy to grow a good yielder, very potent and you can make some great hash with the leaves plus its a lovely smoke but i dont know how well it would perform outside. Maybe you should post your question in the outdoor gardening forum and someone who...
  8. m23mark

    G-13 Is it worth the money

    Hi guys, i am thinking of getting some G-13 seeds for my next grow but they are all really expencive and i cant find anywhere that sells feminised G-13 seeds. Does the G-13 strain live up to its reputation and is it suitable for growing indoors in soil?? Any advise from someone who has grown...
  9. m23mark

    What to do with white widow leaves?

    When you harvest 2 lbs every couple of months, why smoke leaves? :bigjoint: Well just made some excellent hash from my leaves the best iver ever had im so amazed i did not expect the bubble bags to even work haha. It is a lovely smoke, very smooth and tastey and twice as strong as the buds...
  10. m23mark

    Growing a mother under poor lighting

    Dont think you would have enough time to do all that in 7 weeks buddy...ya want ya mothers to be at least 6 weeks old before you start taking cuttings and then it takes about 2 weeks for your cuttings to root. If it was me i think i would just start your new seeds in about 5 weeks on your window...
  11. m23mark

    Growing a mother under poor lighting

    How long does your mother plant that is flowering have left before it is ready for harvesting??
  12. m23mark

    advice please

    if they still look healthy mate and you have flushed them out i would think things can only get better from now
  13. m23mark

    who thinks there going to legalize pot?

    QUOTE "i was speaking with my mother over lunch last week, and she for all her life has been anti smoking, and when i told her about pot a few years back, she has never been able to accept that myself or my brother smoke it, so we were chatting, andi asked her to jsutify just why she feels the...
  14. m23mark

    who thinks there going to legalize pot?

    Here is a link to a video on youtube for those who have not seen it where Obama (when he was a senetor) claims he supports decriminalisation of cannabis and says the war on drugs has failed Since being voted president he has changed his mind though...
  15. m23mark

    who thinks there going to legalize pot?

    I think yes....there is a huge amount of support for legalisation but its the status quo that is alot of corrupt politicians that take back handers from alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceutical companies are not going to be in a rush to legalise but its a matter of time. Also i...
  16. m23mark

    6 weeks from seed.... what ya think?

    They look spot on mate keep up the good work :leaf:
  17. m23mark

    What fertiliser should i use for soil NPK

    Hi, i currently use levington tomatoe liquid fertiliser for my plants in 15 litre containers with soil... NPK 4 - 4.5 - 8. I use this whilst plants are flowering during veg i normally just use miricle grow lol My last grow harvested 0.5 grams per watt all the plants looked healthy and the...
  18. m23mark

    I dont understand grams per watt??

    I have had 3 or 4 seperate harvest now but this is my first grow that i have started from seed entirely myself...previously i was given small plants ready to flower or veg ect. The reason in the past that i have harvested on week 6 is because read that once half the pistils on the plant start...
  19. m23mark

    I dont understand grams per watt??

    They had 6 weeks flowering and were about 4 or 5 weeks old when i started flowering them.
  20. m23mark

    HOW SOON CAN I FLOWER my plants

    Yea they have not had the best of starts had a problem with mould when they strated due to excess heat that is sorted now and they look healthy but they are not doing as well as my last crop...lights 600 watt HPS growlux sylvania bulbs about 18inch above the plants