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  1. m23mark

    Cuttings do not survive transplanting??

    Hi, i recently taken 24 cuttings from a healthy mother (snow white - nirvana) all cuttings were taken from mother under water to prevent emolism and i used "root riot" sponges and clonex gel, placing cuttings under a florescent light in a propogator with gentle bottom heat. My first...
  2. m23mark

    Ice hash???

    Yea to be honest its not me that wants to dilute the stuff its my sidekick lol but yea it is for the money hahaha
  3. m23mark

    Ice hash???

    I have been making ice hash with bubble bags from my leaves and buds...and its great really really strong too. Does anyone know if there is anyway i could dilute the stuff though so i get twice as much hash?? i know quality will suffer but some people have told me its actualy too strong lol
  4. m23mark

    Anybody ever tried a FOOD DEHYDRATOR for drying???

    Just thinking of giving it a go heard it can get some good results fast???
  5. m23mark


    Ya can never be too carefull in this game. If in doubt...roll it up in it
  6. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    Starting to think this must be too much nitrogen as the stems and stalks on the plant are far too bendy and can bend them and they stay in the new bent position where as normally they would snap at a certain point
  7. m23mark

    58 clones of Chronic

    Would be best to find out which ones are your females first fella coz if you take cuttings from flowering plants it will take more time to change them back to veg and back to flower again, plus the quality of the smoke is reduced.
  8. m23mark


    Stems dont have any THC in them anyway mate
  9. m23mark

    Harvesting at 6 weeks will this effect my yield alot??

    Hi, my current babies are on week 7 of flowering, they have been flowering for exactly 6 weeks and 2 days, but i may have to harvest them within the next few days as due a property inspection. Does anybody know how much this will effect my yield?? I mean do the buds put a great deal of weight...
  10. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    No i havnt sprayed them with anything...they look really healthy apart from the funny leef blade thingy thats going on....
  11. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    Yea pots have holes in em about to flower them though so not sure if should start different fertaliser or leave it....and the man in my pic is che guevara and the quote as my signature is his.
  12. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    Here is the full plant and it is in bnq general multi purpose compost, the plant is about 15 inches tall and nearly 6 weeks since germination id:jawbrodt i think the discolouration your talking about is just the HID light reflecting of the leaf??
  13. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    Well they are in 15 ltr containers under 600 watt HPS so water em when they feel leight or when the soil drys out on top...usual get about 5 - 6 days
  14. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    Yea been using cana as instructed on the bottle 50ml per 10 ltr of water...they have been fertalised twice like this
  15. m23mark

    What the hell is wrong with these leaves??? AMS

    Hi, does anyone know what is causing certain blades on leaves to curl in on themselves down the centre length of the blade. The plants are on there 6th week veg growing in soil. Average temprature 78 - 82 humidity - 50%. Several leaves on several plants are doing this now. I have never seen...
  16. m23mark

    If i let my plants wilt before harvesting will they dry faster

    Ahhh yea never thought about that thanks guys
  17. m23mark

    If i let my plants wilt before harvesting will they dry faster

    Just letting them wilt a maybe theres less water in the stems when i cut em
  18. m23mark

    If i let my plants wilt before harvesting will they dry faster

    Hello folks, i am almost ready to harvest my latest crop and am thinking of ways that i could speed the drying process up as my last lot took the best part of 2 weeks just to dry. I was thinking maybe if i let them wilt just a little before i harvest will this speed it up?? I would give the soil...
  19. m23mark

    Do plants grow in the day or night?

    Iv heard of growers doing that with seedlings but did not know people do it during veg period aswell....saves buying a timer i suppose
  20. m23mark

    Do plants grow in the day or night?

    Im going to start measuring i think