
Active Member
Hi guys,

i have some plants i started from seed almost 4 weeks ago now (they are on day 25) and most are inbetween 6 - 8 inches tall and fairly bushy.
I would normally wait another week or so before flowering them but cut a long story short i may have to move out of my propert in 6 weeks time. Is it too soon to flower them now??? I have never heard of anybody flowering plants so small. They were started under florescents and are now under 600 watt HPSs in soil. Have not started any fertiliser regime yet as so young.
Any advice would be great thanks guys bongsmilie


bud bootlegger
yah, you can flower them now if you need to finish them up early.. the only thing that you have to realise is that your harvest will not be as heavy as it would have been if you would have let them veg a lil longer... thats about the only negative thing i can see about it really..


Well-Known Member
6 weeks is a really short time for flowering from what ive seen, but regardless i would start flowering them asap if that is the case. i flowered my first grow 29 days after they sprouted so im sure you would be fine (my plants roughly were 4 feet tall), your yield may be shortened significantly if the plants have a long flowering period (that the 6 weeks may have to cut short) or if you dont let them veg long enough.


Active Member
6 weeks is a really short time for flowering from what ive seen, but regardless i would start flowering them asap if that is the case. i flowered my first grow 29 days after they sprouted so im sure you would be fine (my plants roughly were 4 feet tall), your yield may be shortened significantly if the plants have a long flowering period (that the 6 weeks may have to cut short) or if you dont let them veg long enough.
how much did you yeild with 29 days?


Active Member
yah, you can flower them now if you need to finish them up early.. the only thing that you have to realise is that your harvest will not be as heavy as it would have been if you would have let them veg a lil longer... thats about the only negative thing i can see about it really..
Would the yield be reduced because the plants are smaller or because they would flower at a slower rate because they are so young??
Thanks guys

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

i have some plants i started from seed almost 4 weeks ago now (they are on day 25) and most are inbetween 6 - 8 inches tall and fairly bushy.
I would normally wait another week or so before flowering them but cut a long story short i may have to move out of my propert in 6 weeks time. Is it too soon to flower them now??? I have never heard of anybody flowering plants so small. They were started under florescents and are now under 600 watt HPSs in soil. Have not started any fertiliser regime yet as so young.
Any advice would be great thanks guys bongsmilie
at 4 weeks they are about 2 weeks overdue in the feeding dept. i usually go to flower at 12", but have started at 8 before. doesn't make a huge difference, depends on strain really, and environment. in 6 weeks, they won't be ready, but you can still harvest. your quality and yield will suffer greatly though.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
agreed, sounds like they should have been fed a long time ago (unless there is premixed feed in your soil already?)


Active Member
agreed, sounds like they should have been fed a long time ago (unless there is premixed feed in your soil already?)

I am using soil with a small ammount of bone meal mixed in with perlite and vermiculite and when i flower them i fetilse using a tomatoe liquid fertaliser NPK 4 - 4.5 - 8. I dont normally fertalise during the veg stage at all as i have seen so many other people over fertilise their plants it scares me lol I tend to get my fertaliser from BNQ or homebase but to be honest im not sure if its the best choice?? as i have only been growing for about 8 months now am still learning.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well you don't just not do something because it's a bit daunting. kinda akin to not flushing simply becxause you're not quite sure on the time to do it.

mine simply it around doing pretty much nothing when i'm just watering with water, oncei start feeding them, normally 1-2 weeks in, around 4" tall, it's on with the nutes and they just thrive. what lights are you using? because 6-8 inches in 25 days is not fantastic growth tbh. although as i say, it could jsut be down to your lights


Active Member
well you don't just not do something because it's a bit daunting. kinda akin to not flushing simply becxause you're not quite sure on the time to do it.

mine simply it around doing pretty much nothing when i'm just watering with water, oncei start feeding them, normally 1-2 weeks in, around 4" tall, it's on with the nutes and they just thrive. what lights are you using? because 6-8 inches in 25 days is not fantastic growth tbh. although as i say, it could jsut be down to your lights
Yea they have not had the best of starts had a problem with mould when they strated due to excess heat that is sorted now and they look healthy but they are not doing as well as my last crop...lights 600 watt HPS growlux sylvania bulbs about 18inch above the plants