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  1. N


    your plants look waaay too small for being 2 months old. and is there something else growing in that container? what kind of light are you using? add some nutrients.
  2. N

    yo. what was with the ".................." post haha

    yo. what was with the ".................." post haha
  3. N

    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    nice. what strain you got going?
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    Newbie from New Hampshire

    hey man, just searched for new hampshire and this thread popped up. Sounds like your gettin ready to have a hell of a harvest. I live in NH too and have 4 Power Purple plants at 2.5 months old. Are you in southern or northern part of the state? I would be happy to help you take care of the...
  5. N

    hey man, just searched for new hampshire and your thread popped up. Sounds like your gettin...

    hey man, just searched for new hampshire and your thread popped up. Sounds like your gettin ready to have a hell of a harvest. I live in NH too and have 4 Power Purple plants at 2.5 months old. Are you in southern or northern part of the state? I would be happy to help you take care of the...
  6. N

    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    Hey everyone, I'm growing some heady plants outdoors in the heart of New Hampshire. Was just wondering if there are any more local growers around here. Just wanna see how everyone's crop is doing compared to mine. Any techniques or suggestions. Will try to post pics of mine soon. 5 Feet tall :)
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    Mature plants outdoors in early July. Now what?!

    wow thanks guys. Angus sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I cant put the plants in the ground because I live in NH and the soil around here sucks! I got a suggestion to stack the pots on top of another container and cut the bottom off. Sound like a lot of work.... but I might try...
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    Plants already mature, cant wait till September, what to do?

    Nice. But if i just leave them like they are now, they should be fine? I just dont wana come back in a couple weeks and see em dieing. Also, they longer they sit out there the more theyr gettin eaten by bugs. I have used a whole bottle of this organic stuff from Agway and it has somewhat kept...
  9. N

    Plants already mature, cant wait till September, what to do?

    Hey there everyone, So I have some plants that I started about 10 weeks ago indoors and moved outdoors after about 4 weeks. So they are now almost 2.5 months old and are almost 5 feet tall. SO heres my dillema, it seems like that have reached full maturity and I dont think they can get any...
  10. N

    Mature plants outdoors in early July. Now what?!

    Hey there everyone, So I have some plants that I started about 10 weeks ago indoors and moved outdoors after about 4 weeks. So they are now almost 2.5 months old and are almost 5 feet tall. SO heres my dillema, it seems like that have reached full maturity and I dont think they can get any...
  11. N

    Mature plants outdoors in early July. Now what?!

    Hey there everyone, So I have some plants that I started about 10 weeks ago indoors and moved outdoors after about 4 weeks. So they are now almost 2.5 months old and are almost 5 feet tall. SO heres my dillema, it seems like that have reached full maturity and I dont think they can get any...
  12. N

    What is eating my plants?! HELP!

    yea im gettin ready to go out to the garden rite now to check it out again, try to load some pics in a few hours. But isnt there a certain bug thats known for eating the laves?
  13. N

    What is eating my plants?! HELP!

    Hey everyone, So i got a few plants goin outside and recently noticed that some of the bottom leaves are being eaten, some have tiny holes in the center or from the sides. It seems like even the stem was attacked. All this seems to be ocuring from bottom up on all the plants. Any idea what...
  14. N

    First time outdoor New Hampshire grow! Power Purple! Check out my girls!!

    So finally i got some great pics of my garden! I started these from seeds i found in some really heady bud that obviously got pollenated by a male. The plants are now just about a month old and I transplanted them into these huge containers and put them in a discrete location. They seem to be...
  15. N

    New England grow. Need some Help!

    thanks im gona go give them a spray. if its the cold thats making the dark lines that makes sense, it gets pretty cold around here at night. Tomorrow night its gonna drop down to like 30 degrees so i think im gona have to cover them up
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    New England grow. Need some Help!

    please need some help any advice?
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    New England grow. Need some Help!

    So i have some plants that are almost a month old that I moved outside about a week ago into bigger containers (about 6 gallons). The plants seem to be mostly happy and the leafs are praying to the light. There is some very fine almost yellowish dust looking stuff on top of some leafs. At...
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    Theres gona be a low of 34 degrees! Are my girls gonna live?!

    The forecast says the low is gonna be like 34 degrees in a couple nights here in NH. I got some plants in 5 gallon buckets growin outside. They are almost a month old now, can they make it through the night?!
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    leafs curling down

    sound like a lil nutrient defficiency. try adding some phosphorus and potassium.
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    Growing in New England. How cold is too cold?

    So i have some plants that are about a month old now. I moved them outside about a week ago during a couple days when it was in the 80s. I checked back up on them in a couple days and they are doin great. In a couple days the temp is suppost to drop to like 34 degrees at night. Is that gonna do...