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  1. N

    Outdoor plants gettin white spots and brown leaves!? Pics!

    Hey everyone, Ive had these plants going outdoors since may, they generally have been good but lately a good number of my leaves have been turning brown all the way through, but when i went to pull them off they didnt really want to come off. Any ideas what this might be? Nutrient burn? I have...
  2. N

    Outdoor flowering! Getting yellow leaves and purple stem. Pics!

    I have been using the Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom at about half strength all except 1 time when i think i over fed them a little. The big one is almost 8 feet w/ the pot so im guessing the plant itself is just over 6ft. I just used MG soil w/ about 20% perlite. Will try Ocean Forrest...
  3. N

    Outdoor flowering! Getting yellow leaves and purple stem. Pics!

    Hey everyone, So i have been growing this crop outdoors in New Hampshire, since May. They are now almost 8 feet tall with the buckets. The buds are forming nicely and there is a nice stench. But as you can see in the pics im gettin a good number of yellow leaves and also purple stems on two of...
  4. N

    Outdoor flowering! Getting yellow leaves and purple stem. Pics!

    One of my friends said that the purple stems might be from the temps dropping down to mid 40s at night. Think hes rite?
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    Outdoor flowering! Getting yellow leaves and purple stem. Pics!

    Hey everyone, So i have been growing this crop outdoors in New Hampshire, since May. They are now almost 8 feet tall with the buckets. The buds are forming nicely and there is a nice stench. But as you can see in the pics im gettin a good number of yellow leaves and also purple stems on two of...
  6. N

    Is it bad to rotate pots outdoors?

    So today i decided to rotate my pots because i noticed that one side was more developed than the other. When i rotated the pots i lifted them up and realized that some roots grew through the 1 inch diameter holes that i drilled for the water to drain. When i rotated i deffinitely riped those...
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    Rotated Pots. Roots grew through holes bottom of container!

    So today i decided to rotate my pots because i noticed that one side was more developed than the other. When i rotated the pots i lifted them up and realized that some roots grew through the 1 inch diameter holes that i drilled for the water to drain. When i rotated i deffinitely riped those...
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    they all died:-(

    get a better grow set up. if its taller than the pot that it is in, transplant to a 5 gallon bucket
  9. N

    New Hampshire Outdoor 2009 Pics!

    i hope so, they are over 6ft tall now. the only weird thing is that just one of them is showing some yellowing in the lower leaves
  10. N

    New Hampshire Outdoor 2009 Pics!

    Here are my girls, they are 3.5 months old now and just barely started to flower. Just used regular MC Potting soil mixed with 20% Perlite. Started using Fox Farm nutes about 3 weeks ago, showing good results. What do ya think?
  11. N

    Problem! Yellow Leaves!!

    Hey there, So i have a few plants outdoors that just started to flower. Just on one of the plants almost all of the lower leaves are turning yellow and drooping down? The upper half looks healthy though. Any idea what this problem might be? I have been feeding them Fox Farm nutrients but i...
  12. N

    Why am I gettin Yellow leaves??!!

    Hey there, So i have a few plants outdoors that just started to flower. Just on one of the plants almost all of the lower leaves are turning yellow and drooping down? The upper half looks healthy though. Any idea what this problem might be? I have been feeding them Fox Farm nutrients but i...
  13. N

    When are my girls going to flower?!

    Well the plants are outdoors in a little field. Like a month ago, we had like 3 weeks of cold weather and rain, so I saw some pre-flowers and thats how I knew that they were all female. But then the 80 degree weather came back and the pre-flowers went brown and the plants went back into veg. So...
  14. N

    When are my girls going to flower?!

    So I have a few heady plants going outdoors in NH. They are over 3 months old now in 6 gallon containers, and are almost 6 feet tall! I know the flowering period takes about 8-9 weeks, so when should expect to see some serious bud forming? I am just worried because the plants have defenitelly...
  15. N

    When are my girls going to flower?!

    So I have a few heady plants going outdoors in NH. They are over 3 months old now in 6 gallon containers, and are almost 6 feet tall! I know the flowering period takes about 8-9 weeks, so when should expect to see some serious bud forming? I am just worried because the plants have defenitelly...
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    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    yea the rain has been bad! decent today and tomorow its suppost to be like 80 and sunny so it should be nice
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    NH Grow 09 Power Purple 11 weeks

    daamn yea ive been puttin some love in those, i got a lil clone off one of those so now i got a lil baby goin too
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    NH Grow 09 Power Purple 11 weeks

    So i finally got around to putting some pics up of my girls. Wanted to have a grow journal but here they are at 11 weeks. I started under a 400w MH then moved them outside at...
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    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    Got some pics up of my grow. Let me know what you think. they almost 11 weeks old now and im kinda afraid that those containers arent gonna be big enough cos theres still 2 months...
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    Trying to post pics, file size too big?

    Hey everyone, so im trying to upload some pics of my garden but i noticed that the biggest file size RUI allows is like 2.5mb but all the pics i have are like 8 or 9 mb. SO what do i have to do? Hoes does everyone have all these high quality pics up? Thanks