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  1. learning05

    More on the evils of capitalism.

    Abandonconflict out of curiosity, does your outlook on life make you angry towards the world or are you in your mind trying to share a sense of enlightenment you feel with others? Like it terms of a career or motivation, knowing you compete with others and the state of things...Whenever I talk...
  2. learning05

    Help! Are these plants too far gone?

    Also idk about your setup but I usually let my pump run 24/7 until the roots touched the water. I am using rockwool also but I had a bottom feed with the submersible pump providing a constant supply to the bottom of the rockwool. That encourage my roots to reach down. Try leaving the drip on...
  3. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    AS of now pretty low. It is at 500 ppm and they are in their 4 week since switching to 12/12.
  4. learning05

    Help! Are these plants too far gone?

    I think this may of have contributed to your issue "flushed other seedlings with 3% H2O2 (didn't have any stronger) -included 1 cup of 3% H2O2 in res when I refilled" For seedlings that may have been intense. Also why would you add epsom salts at that age? ONLY thing that should be in your...
  5. learning05

    Pics- Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. New growth deformed and old is getting worst.

    It seems to be at 78F at the top near the cfls. I held my thermometer there for 3-4 mins and that is what it was reading. On top of my res lid it is 77F.
  6. learning05

    Pics- Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. New growth deformed and old is getting worst.

    Phos def. Well I do see droopy leaves with brown crispy tips and edges and yellowing. But I also see brown crispy tips that curl upwards so how can it be under watering in dwc?
  7. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    But majority of the nute burn you see is from when they were in veg tho. I flushed after I over-feed them then but didn't remove the damaged leaves. So that is why I have kept the PPMs on the lower end. So flushing with plain phed distilled water won't hurt them? Other people have suggested it...
  8. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    Here are the roots. I was reading that your not supposed to cut the leafs if they are deficient as it uses those fan leaves to leach/compensate for the deficiency. But I am not sure, I don't want to waste energy either. If I cut them can I do it all at once? Also do I remove the stem entirely...
  9. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    Some days I do it only once since the ph never rises beyond 6.1. When it see it at 6.1 usually right before the lights go off, I lower it to a 5.6.
  10. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    Plain water for a WEEK? Sorry I don't understand how that would help if they are deficient. Also since they are flowering and already stressed, wouldn't that be to much for them to handle? The buds are about 5 weeks from switching to 12/12. I know my ppm is low that is why I am so confused. So...
  11. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    It is a hydro deep water culture grow with 2 air pumps + stones in a 6 gal res. Three girls sharing a res and their roots are tangled. It did start with the lower growth and eventually affected the upper growth. For the ph, I don't always adjust it twice a day. Some days I do it only once since...
  12. learning05

    Pics- Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. New growth deformed and old is getting worst.

    I know I burned it once during veg by overdoing the nutes. I started using FF and followed their suggested doseage like a idiot. But I flushed it after signs of burn appeared. Some of those fan leaves have been burnt since veg but I didn't remove them because they still had a lot of green areas...
  13. learning05

    Pics- Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. New growth deformed and old is getting worst.

    They do seem to be displaying phos and potass deficiencies as well as magnesium. What is Edta? I have been recommended by other grows to use botanicare cal-mag plus. If I am giving them to much, how should I proceed from this point? Should I flush? Would that hurt the budding process? I agree...
  14. learning05

    Pics- Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. New growth deformed and old is getting worst.

    How do I confirm that? Is there a way for checking for root parasites? I don't see any flies around my grow space.
  15. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    What if they look like one or more of those pictures? I def see Phosphorus deficiency in which the veins are dark but the in between the veins there is some yellowing happening. It looks like it is progressing. I also see some leaves which resemble the Potassium (K) deficiency/Magnesium...
  16. learning05

    Pics- Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. New growth deformed and old is getting worst.

    Could it be a nitrogen toxicity that is causing the problems? I do have a lot of N in their 3% from FF Grow Big which is at 5.5 tsp and 5 tsps of cal mag which has 2% N. I have been doing some research and came across this description of Nitrogen Toxicity here...
  17. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    Could it be a nitrogen toxicity that is causing the problems? I do have a lot of N in their 3% from FF Grow Big which is at 5.5 tsp and 5 tsps of cal mag which has 2% N. I have been doing some research and came across this description of Nitrogen Toxicity here...
  18. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    Ph has been 5.5-6.0. It never raises past 6.1 and has been relatively stable. I have to adjust it twice a day once when the lights are on and once right before they turn off. I use less than 1/4 tsp of GH ph down. Temps have been 75-82 f and I am using CFLs. The thermometer is sitting on top of...
  19. learning05

    Help Brown Crispy. Tips and Edges. Deformed growth and old is growth is dieing.

    What makes them brown and crispy with dark veins. I am doing dwc with 3 girls. Some of them have gotten so crispy My ppm is at 550 and they are have been vegged for a while and are now in mature. I am using distilled water which has no ppm. Foxfarm Trio without the extra supps. They...