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  1. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Oh no. It seems like a bottle fell in my closet last night and snapped off ONE branch with little growth on it. It was one the ground when I opened my closet door. Also that same plant which lost the branch just showed its first set of female pistils emerging from the new growth. Will this cause...
  2. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Appreciate the intention and response but I am not growing in soil. Its a dwc hydro set up. I have FF's hydro trio.
  3. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I added the 2.5 tsps of epsom salt, allowed the res water to air out before replacing it, and added 2 tsps of Tiger Bloom and .5 tablespoon of Big Bloom. The ppm was at 475 with 140 being from the tap so 335. Lets see what tomorrow holds...
  4. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    I will look into that for my next grow. Have you guys ever tried Stealth Hydroponic nutrients? Roseman and other's have used them in their dwc grows with good results. I used it my last grow it was a lot easier to maintain then FF (my experience I am sure other FF nute growers are much better at...
  5. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    I already posted what the water contained. There seems to be a high about of sodium but this is based of a 2011 study. Nevertheless the ph has been 7 as they report. Here it is again: Anything I can do to make it better?
  6. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Yeah it is difficult to manage in dwc. Especially the big bloom- since its so brown/sandy it settles at the bottom. You gotta have something circulating the solution. I try to stir it by hand every time I check the ph. It doesn't color the roots to much but there is a slight tint.
  7. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    I am in a building complex so I doubt that the units share a softening system right? If it does can I just call the water company/building manager and ask?
  8. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    "I have seen many a plant look just like yours because of water softeners and sodium build up in the medium." I don't have a softening system but you mention sodium build up within the medium. I am using rockwool and hydroton in the netpots. I have not been pouring water over them because the...
  9. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Yes. Its normal but there doesn't seem to be any cal in it either. Also the FF hydro nutes don't have much cal or mag either. According to roseman, if the leaf tips are curling upward then it can be a indication of a mag deficiency/heat stress. Since that is happening and the veins are dark...
  10. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    No I don't think it does. There is no filter or anything attached to any of the pipes. I attached a sample of what my water contains and the amounts. I agree with the Mag issue. I think the lack of Mag from the FF and the chlorine in the tap-water may have hurt them. I have applying very low...
  11. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Also based off the study I doubt their is any cal in the water either. So it makes sense that their is a cal mag deficiency. I know to much cal can cause lockout on mag but it doesn't seem to be that in my case. It seems more likely that chlorine is affecting the mag uptake even tho their isn't...
  12. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I have called them in the past regarding the chlorine odor and they said they use chlorine. Also based of their study in 2011 which I attached it says they use chlorine/chloride. Even during my last grow I suffered with mag issues. FF nutes doesn't seem to have a significant amount of mag in it...
  13. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    I am going to do that as soon as I get my mini fridge converted into a veg unit. Is it necessary to use any rooting gels?
  14. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I was thinking of adding some of this to the water. I found it locally. It is a chlorine/toxic metal eliminator for fish but if I have a chlorine issue it could help right? 1-2 drops max. Here is a link, its called API Tap Water Conditioner I appreciate any thoughts.
  15. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Update: So the 2nd newest growth or the node from which the new growth exits, has tips turning brown and a single spot of brown on the edge of the leaf's saw blades. The ppm has not moved much and the ph has been stable. Two of the smaller two plants look as if their new growth is continuing to...
  16. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Thanks for all your help! I appreciate the brainstorming it helps me think about it as well. Sure thing, I will add a picture of the setup tomorrow. Its hard to get a clear picture of it because of the lighting. For their sizes: Two of the smaller plants are about 1 ft. They have grown a lot...
  17. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    How do people grow a variety of strains in the same res and not run into feeding problems? Can anyone with experience running a 3 or more plants in one bucket help me out here? They were deficient and I added to many nutes thus causing a burn. Now I am unsure how to continue. I have flushed them...
  18. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Thanks, I figure using more Tiger Bloom for the P would suffice instead of open sesame...
  19. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    That is another problem I have. They are not in separate receptacles. Currently all three are sharing a res and the roots have formed into a ball. I was wondering if it was possible to cut the roots where the ball starts and then separate each plant into their own bucket? I have two air pumps...
  20. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Yes there are cal-mg deficiencies and I have ordered botanicare's cal-mg plus- just waiting for it to arrive. The problem is that they were deficient at a point in the veg while I was using Stealthhydroponic Nutes (google that). But I noticed the deficiencies so I switched over to FF and...