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  1. learning05

    Feeding and PPM Question/method of managing.

    I will try the phasic schedule when they began to recover but as of now what should I do? If the new growth looks good should I go ahead and start with 2 tsp Tiger Bloom + 1TBS Big Bloom? I don't have sesame. Would adding more tiger bloom suffice? I am monitoring the ppm. Hopefully they will eat...
  2. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Did you use their whole line? I am just using the Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. I just want to know what to do if their over-ferted? I have flushed already for >12hr and added 1/4 of serving. Do I just wait and see now? I am hoping I don't need to buy Sesame, Beast Bloom, or chaching...
  3. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Also the chart you posted is different then the one that came with the trio. :sad:
  4. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    It was overfertilized because I used FF feeding chart. The chart you posted is for soil right? I am growing in hydro. I usually change the res every week and add fresh nute solution. For the last three days I did flush already with about 15 hours of plain water and then I added 1/4 a serving of...
  5. learning05

    Feeding and PPM Question/method of managing.

    I am not sure what to do now. I noticed they drank a gallon of water in the last 2 days so I added a little 1.5 tsp of Tiger Bloom, .5 tsp of big bloom, .5 grow big so 1 gal of water then added it to the res. The ppm is 303 now with a ph of 5.6.
  6. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    I have 3 plants. 1 female 2 unknown and they are in the second week of flowering. They are growing in a dwc with netpots, hydroton, and rockwool. CFL lighting (my one female is about 3ft. Its taller than the other two plants). I used a different nute brand during veg and switched over to FF trio...
  7. learning05

    Feeding and PPM Question/method of managing.

    Thanks for your help. The ppms are low now but they were high before as I followed the FF feeding schedule. It was 1000-1200 before the flush and quarter strength dose. No the tap water isn't filter but I allow the water to air out as I change the res every week. There certainly is chlorine in...
  8. learning05

    Feeding and PPM Question/method of managing.

    More pics: So more info: FF Big Bloom NPK is .01-.3-.7 FF Grow Big NPK is 3-2-6 FF Tiger Bloom NPK is 2-8-4 FF suggests 3 tsp/gal big bloom, 1 grow big tsp/gal, and 1 tiger bloom tsp/gal for 12/12 week 5 with a ppm range of 1120-1260. They say feed twice/week. Each serving is about...
  9. learning05

    Feeding and PPM Question/method of managing.

    I have 3 plants. 1 female 2 unknown and they are in the second week of flowering. They are growing in a dwc with netpots, hydroton, and rockwool. CFL lighting (my one female is about 3ft. Its taller than the other two plants). I used a different nute brand during veg and switched over to FF trio...
  10. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thanks a ton again. I will add 25% or a little less of the serving sizes. What do you think is a good ec range I should aim for?
  11. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I changed the res solution and have filled with 8 gal of plain tap water and adjusted the ph to 5.7 (no nutes). I am thinking of adding half a serving of the FF nutes and monitoring it from there. Could I be doing anything else?
  12. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thank you for your response!! The ppm pen is uses the .5 conversion factor. I will look into purchasing a EC meter asap but for now is their a way I can convert the ppm reading to ec? I used this chart and according to that I am at a 2.2 ec. Should I flush or just change the res solution so it...
  13. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    What is going on? The PPM are checked twice daily (I keep it at 1200 based off FF feeding chart) as well as the PH (I keep that at a 5.7-6.2 aiming for a 5.8 ). The leaves started browning at the tips. It began at the bottom then worked its way up. The edges of some leaves turned brown as well...
  14. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    JUST when I thought I handle on things...the plants are continuing to show deficiencies (at least I think so). I ordered botanicare cal mag plus tonight because there seems to visibly be a mg issue or a combo but epsom salt hasn't helped (I may have used too low of a dose i.e. 1 tsp for 6 gal)...
  15. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Added the second serving of FF nutes at per my understanding of the feeding schedule. Hope its right...BUMP on any of the other questions.
  16. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Update: I removed dead leaves at the very bottom of all three plants. I started flowering and switched 3 of 4 of my CFL bulbs over to red spectrum. Switched the timer to a 12/12 with the lights turning on at 12pm and off at 12 am. I followed Fox Farm's week 5 feeding schedule (Big Bloom-Big...
  17. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thanks alot! I really appreciate your advice. I will post an updated pic of the grow soon :)
  18. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thanks, I will look into that now. All three plants seem to be doing well after switching over to the FF nutes. I am trying to maintain the right nute/water ratio by monitoring the ppm and water levels. I also started misting the plants once a day from a distance with 1/4 of the SH grow and...
  19. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Yeah from my research I have been reading about growers using many different ranges of ph in DWC. But I think the plants didn't like that low of a ph. I am trying to keep it at a 5.6-6.2 range now. I shoot for a 5.8 and adjust the ph only twice daily with at least 4 hours apart.
  20. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Thanks a lot. The prices are reasonable plus they offer bonus seeds for free! Really. So does one just cut the leave itself that is dead or the stem holding it as well? I am only gonna cut the ones that are clearly dead or more than 60% dead. Some of my bottom shoots have stretched towards the...