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  1. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Hmm, what makes you think it is a cal-mag issue? I have been giving them cal-mag for the last 2.5 weeks and I also have 1/2 tsp of epsom salt in the res. Are you saying I may need more cal-mag?
  2. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I already have cal-mag plus in the res at 3-4 tsps for the 6 gal. Also 2 tsps of FF Grow Big so there is a good bit of N. Could the cal-mag be locking out the Potassium due to the cal and N? How do I figure it out? FF Grow Big has an N-P-K of 3-2-6 and FF Tiger Bloom has an N-P-K of 2-8-4. So...
  3. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Foxfarm are probably great nutes. This is 100% something I am doing wrong. Also I am not using their other recommended cha-ching/beastie bloomz. I am sure experienced growers can use their lineup and grow amazing plants. I was just saying, I am not a fan due to my lack of growing experience...
  4. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I will look into GH Flora series for my next grow, I don't think FF is for me. That is true I am in the process of learning but it is very hard to be certain especially when they share the res. I have tried to raise the ppms up and it is now at 785 with 140 from my tap. I am not sure if raising...
  5. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    I will look into GH Flora grow/bloom for my next grow, I don't think FF is for me. I have tried to raise the ppms up and it is now at 785 with 140 from my tap. I am not sure if raising the ppm caused the tips of the leaves on top of the plant to brown or its another issue but I noticed it this...
  6. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    They are looking amazing and are frosty too! Great job growing them. My grow looks like nothing in comparison lol. Indeed they look very healthy I hope I acquire the skills to grow like that. Did you fim, top, and lst them? Also what did you use in terms of nutes? Wish you had a journal going...
  7. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    I agree, I am planning on upgrading my lighting for my next grow. Just need to come across the funds first. Thanks for that video I am going to tie string to my lower branches and try to train them towards the cfls. Hopefully, that improves the yield. I am also planning on raising my ppms up to...
  8. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Thanks a ton. I am going to raise the ppms up. It is at 675 now. How do you know what the right ratio of nutes to mix are? Right now, I got 1.5 tbsp of Big Bloom, 6 tsps of Tiger Bloom, 1 tsp of grow big, and 4 tsps of cal mag. Should I just add a tsp of each?
  9. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Man I would love it if I got 12-16 ozs thats awesome! I hope it comes through for ya. Yes, please do share some pics. How about if I tie the lower branches up or like LST them towards the lights. From a yield standpoint that should help right? Plus the support of the string will should allow...
  10. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Doubt I will have enough time to complete the cycle. I may just remove the lower branches for the sake of improving the other buds. Is it better to remove them one at a time or all at once? There about 3-4 branches and they don't seem as strong as the others so I am sure the buds won't be dense...
  11. learning05

    Help needed asap

    Heat seems likely but LEDs don't produce much heat right? Plus 78 is not bad. What about air-flow? I am not familiar with that medium but have you tested the ph of the run-off? It could be that the medium has a different ph then the water you adjusted to 6.5. Also what type of water are you using?
  12. learning05

    multi strain scrog attempt

    Is the screen attached to lids of each bucket? Do they lift out the same time you lift the screen? I have never done scrog before but was thinking of trying it the same way you have it my next grow. I would appreciate any more details about how you do the res change. They look great so far! I...
  13. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Yeah lessoned learned. Luckily yes! All three of them are girls. Today the two shorter plants look like they have started to take off again. One is growing out towards the sides while the other one is growing vertically. I will post some pictures soon. Is it too late to take clones off one of...
  14. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Yeah thats what I think also. I was worrying about that earlier in the grow but I wasn't sure about separating the root ball. Plus wasn't able to buy three separate units. The tallest plant has started budding all over while the other two are still growing pistils. I am doing a res change every...
  15. learning05

    Help needed asap

    What light are using and how close is it?
  16. learning05

    Previously beautiful plants... heat stress? [hi def pics]

    No way to tell for sure but heat seems likely considering it got to 90. Could be nute burn or a ph issue also. Is there any way to increase airflow and maybe have a fan blow over a bucket of frozen water- kinda like a cold humidifier? I guess start fixing environmental issues and check the ec...
  17. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    Its been stable. I usually adjust it when the lights first come on and right before they go off. During the light and dark period of the 12/12 the ph usually rises from a 5.5 to 6.2. I do have a fan inside the closet all the way on the top and a standing oscillating fan outside the door on a low...
  18. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    Also the pistil production on two of my smaller plants seem to be happening very slowly in comparison to the tallest-plant that showed its sex first. I know part of this is genetically determined; however, what other factors slow this down?
  19. learning05

    Fox farm nutes, What could be wrong?

    The "newest" growth looks healthy but eventually some of the growth right below the tops of the plant get brown tips. Usually the older more mature the leaves on all three plants start showing deficiency signs, taco/become crispy, turn brown staring from the tips to edges till it reaches the...
  20. learning05

    Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants

    No, the "newest" growth looks healthy but eventually some of the growth right below the tops of the plant get brown tips. Usually the older more mature the leaves on all three plants start showing deficiency signs, taco/become crispy, turn brown staring from the tips to edges till it reaches the...