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  1. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    i thought you where on about my picture lol, anyway if this debate is as lame as you say why did you join it? i am only asking people's opionins on the matter, i asked if people point it up, down or just throw it in any old way and what do they think of the article
  2. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    green bean seeds......... more like big buddah cheese seeds
  3. JimmyTheJaw

    Trimming lower leafs on stem

    on my current grow i cut off the first set of branches as the light cant get through to them, i just done it without looking into it, so im not sure if it was wise or not, but no harm seems to have been done, some people will tell you not to cut anything but others will tell you to chop away...
  4. JimmyTheJaw

    How many lumens does the Sun produce per square foot?

    found this not sure if its correct or not
  5. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    some people just cant admit that they are wrong lol yeah i know what you mean with wasting good seeds but im sure that one i dug up will be fine.........i hope lol
  6. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    i have just dug up a seedling to show you the curl in it, this one has straightend out a bit as it was just about out the soil
  7. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    well i agree with the article in the link i posted, ive seen it happen
  8. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    they seedlings have had time to straighten out, if you split them like that just before they sprouted you would see the curl
  9. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    no if you point the root down it will grow up then curl back down using more energy and slowing the growth, did you not read it lol
  10. JimmyTheJaw

    alot of people say.......

    well i have been told from loads and read lots of posts from people saying when planting a seed the tap root should be pointing down, well check this out it seems that it should be pointing up cause when you...
  11. JimmyTheJaw

    my cfl grow journal

    growthatgoodshit yeah man i will keep you updated on the grow, as long as you keep me updated on yours, very interested to see how yours turns out with the same light thatdjsnow the exact light i am using is a 250 watt power plant cfl, the bulb im using at the minute is a red...
  12. JimmyTheJaw

    my cfl grow journal

    cheers, if you meen the pic of the cola that is because i lifted it up and hit the light with it and all the pistils stuck to the bulb just leaving the calyx
  13. JimmyTheJaw

    Super lemon haze 250w CFL Grow journal

    maybe im not sure, anyway heres the link you cant see the power plant logo cause its on the other side how do i subscribe to this thread? i have not done it before lol good luck with your grow buddy
  14. JimmyTheJaw

    my cfl grow journal

    hey guys and girls this is my first journal but my second grow, i have started this a bit late but better late than never lol current set up is 250 watt cfl 65 watt cfl x2 (one red and one blue) 75 x 75 x 1.6 bud box currently using clip on fan as the outake, works fine for now lol theres...
  15. JimmyTheJaw

    Super lemon haze 250w CFL Grow journal

    yes i have the exact same light, i have not used it with the blue spectrum yet but i am currently using the red and it gets hot, im waiting on my filter kit coming, but for know i have to have a normal fan blowing out the hole in my tent to get the hot air out, its just 2 warm without it, i...
  16. JimmyTheJaw

    Super lemon haze 250w CFL Grow journal

    hey im intrested in this grow, i will be watching lol i have the same light, and im using two 65 watt cfls aswell one of each spectrum, do you plan on putting the intake and outake straight away? the light still gives off a good bit off heat, my space is a bit bigger than yours i think and it...
  17. JimmyTheJaw

    where is the problem guide? + rep for the right guide

    ok no problem thanks for your help + rep edit* cant give you rep cause a need to spread it about a bit before i give it to you again lol
  18. JimmyTheJaw

    Vent HPS

    could you not cut the door? would be a easy to replace that way compared to the wall lol
  19. JimmyTheJaw

    streaching seedling solution?

    not sure about the 2 foot plant but it can be done with the seedlings, i cant see a problem to why you could not do it with the 2 foot ones, maybe some one with a bit more experiance could help you
  20. JimmyTheJaw

    where is the problem guide? + rep for the right guide

    yeah thats what i was worrying about, i did not want it to get worse