my cfl grow journal


Active Member
hey guys and girls

this is my first journal but my second grow, i have started this a bit late but better late than never lol

current set up is

250 watt cfl
65 watt cfl x2 (one red and one blue)
75 x 75 x 1.6 bud box
currently using clip on fan as the outake, works fine for now lol theres a pic of it

things im waiting on are

carbon filter and fan kit
intake fan

the plants are a

blue himalaya (auto) 7 weeks old
white diesel 2-3 weeks old, just topped it a few days ago
just added a freebie from attitude, i got it from a friend for germinating and sprouting 5 big budda cheese, its a motavation from magus genetics

light schedule is 19/5 (not heard anyone use this on autos so i wanted to see the results)

hers the pics let me know what you think, i will be updating this atleast once a week




Active Member
Lookin nice man:blsmoke:1 thing though...i might be wrong but those look like pollen sacks on the large plant, have you checked to see if its a hermie??


Active Member
cheers, if you meen the pic of the cola that is because i lifted it up and hit the light with it and all the pistils stuck to the bulb just leaving the calyx


Well-Known Member
very nice... what 250w CFL are you using, exactly? i like the results.

i just see nugs.... dunno about it being a hermie. could use better pics though!


Active Member
growthatgoodshit yeah man i will keep you updated on the grow, as long as you keep me updated on yours, very interested to see how yours turns out with the same light

thatdjsnow the exact light i am using is a 250 watt power plant cfl, the bulb im using at the minute is a red spectrum 8u 2700k, i think it gives off about 19500 lumens, not sure to be exact, that plant has only been under the 250 watt for about a week, it was only under a 125 watt red spectrum till then, i thought i needed to give it more light so i got the 250 watt and two 65 watt ones aswell


Well-Known Member
Very nice. I think I'm going to look into some of the higher watt Cfls for my top light source as well. :D