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  1. THC604

    24 hours of dark before harvest??????????

    See i've tried 24/48hrs of darkness and not really noticed a diffrence.. The only thing i do is flush the girls fir the last 2 wks but thats only because of the nutes i use..
  2. THC604

    Cops watch Hydro Stores!

    Fuck em, it's plant been here longer then we have i'll happily do a spot of bird for growing my own supply. i don't sell it i grow so i haven't got buy in to criminality.. if they want to waste money and time arresting innocent ppl then so be it.. Its a sorry state of affairs i must say.. But...
  3. THC604

    24 hours of dark before harvest??????????

    I'm with Oldreefer on this.. he knows his shit fella
  4. THC604

    24 hours of dark before harvest??????????

    Think about it fella.. all we're trying to do is replicate mother nature and when was the last time you see 3 days of night? I'm a strong believer that if something ain't broke don't fix it... I don't think theres a better opinion then thousands of years of natural growth... But thats just me...
  5. THC604

    24 hours of dark before harvest??????????

    My opinion is....OCD makes some do the strangest things..... funny Shit oldreefer
  6. THC604

    HELP! Hermie signs on my budding bubilicious plant!

    Looks well airy... But castrate that fucker and move it away from the other lady... fingers crossed for ya..
  7. THC604

    24 hours of dark before harvest??????????

    It's personal preference mate.. No written laws just growers choice..
  8. THC604

    Male female?

    NAH a ladyboy can produce seeds aswell son... it's called selfing..
  9. THC604

    I am New in this Forums.

    Welcome to RIU sweet.. Everyones here to help so ask away.. Thc604
  10. THC604

    Male female?

    No not at all... males produce the pollen, females produce sensimilla bud witch is bud without seed... if however the female comes into contact with pollen it will produce seeds you numpty.. And that plants fucked mate defo a male / ladyboy so for the sake of the rest off your crop fuck it off...
  11. THC604

    fan help.

    Alright mate this might help
  12. THC604

    What the hell is this? Kinda scared!

    I'd kill the nutes and just give em straight water fellas..
  13. THC604

    please help is she turning hermie?

    no probs fella, erm i'm really not sure looks very seed like... But she could just be exploding with ne growth... Had you noticed and ladyboys in the garden? You say you've seen no balls on her? So i really dont see how she would produce seeds??? I wouldn't chop her unless you 100% sure she's a...
  14. THC604

    please help is she turning hermie?

    just of center to the right?
  15. THC604

    transfer from 18/6 to 12/12

    yeah mate that'll be fine or just leave the light on time as is and knock 4hrs off... If not you could run the lights thru till 9 then bosch em straight onto 12/12.. But it's your call bud peace
  16. THC604

    please help is she turning hermie?

    nope looks fine mate... Can't see no bananas in any of those pics.. Could do with a close up of the areas causing you concern?..
  17. THC604

    deformed leaves

    Alright fella, deformed in what sense? got any pics? would help if we could see..
  18. THC604

    please help is she turning hermie?

    looks fine mate shes just filling out... you didn't metion how old she was?? And yeah pics of the areas your worried about would help loads..
  19. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes!

    Krazykid thats some FILTHY stuff like it....
  20. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes! LOL thats me sorry for the spamming..... Had some fucking crazy nights to these...