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  1. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes!
  2. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes!
  3. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes!
  4. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes! filth mate filth
  5. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes!
  6. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes!
  7. THC604

    Breakz/Dubstep/D'n'B/House... post your tunes! Dirrrrrrtttttttyyyyyyyy
  8. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    Alright mate, I run it 3ml per litre but thats just me.. I know it says 2-5ml but i'm yet to take it above 3.. oh forgot to say i use as soil feed not a foliar spray.. Heres a link to there feed chart
  9. THC604


    Alright guys, Welcome to RIU and once again my i say you made the right site choice lol.. Have fun and we're all here to help.. Best wishes Th604
  10. THC604

    Fuck my life! Worst Vday ever

    never hold your farts in because they travel up your spine into your brain and that is where shitty ideas come from Fuck that made chuckle hahahaha
  11. THC604


    Alright fella, Welcome to RIU you choose the right site.. Happy growing all the best Thc604
  12. THC604

    Fuck my life! Worst Vday ever

    Alright fella, Just try and simmer down mate, getting all aggy n shit won't solve jack.. Is she what you want? are you what she wants? If so work together instead of against each other.. I've had my fair share of agg fro the misses, see i'm a chef i work stupid hours in the city and my misses...
  13. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    sorry about the marketing didn't realise i'd copied that as well
  14. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    I know you've probs already seen this but thought it wouldn't hurt anyways lol
  15. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    Marijuana Plant Problems - Yellow Leaves Brown Spots - Curly Leaves On this page you will find example of marijuana plant problems and the possible solutions to help your plant to get healthy again. We want to point out that most of the problems people have like, yellow leaves, brown...
  16. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    Well i wouldn't say you shouldn't it's just i don't.. well i did and lol and it caused me some bother so i stopped.. ive been told if you do mist you should do it with the lights off to pervent any chance of burning the leafs.. If your poping up to the hydro shop take a pic and say this is...
  17. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    If you was closer to me you could have had some of mine
  18. THC604

    First Grow, can you help me please?

    Alright mate, sorry to hear its got worse... Might wanna grab some bio biz alg a mg its a vitality booster made from sea weed might help perk em up... You been misting your leafs?
  19. THC604

    what shall i do now?

    looking good bud.. They do look like they could do with a extra wk or two.. You got many pistils starting to brown and wither? cant really see from the pic.. I normally leave mine on 12/12 till the bitter end mate so i can't really give you advice there..
  20. THC604

    Why doesnt my lamp work

    have you checked your fuses? ie the plug?