Male female?


Well-Known Member
dont post multiple threads on the same thing please, especially considering about 5 of us have already answered this on the first thread you made.


Well-Known Member
looks hermie to me too bad lighting for pics looks like pollen sacks on the lower of the top and plant looks VERY stressed.


Well-Known Member
hermie, pretty bad looking one, tons of sacks. its not even worth trying to salvage the plant at this point imo, toss it out too. light leaks can cause it, weak genetics can cause it, dark period interruption during flowering can do it. Sounds to me like they just tossed whatever they had lying around together and sent it to you.


Well-Known Member
males only produce seeds a hermie produces both seeds and buds, technically a female plant that produces even one seed is a hermie..


Active Member
It looks more male to me that hermie.. up to you , i would be usuing the light and electricity to grow myself a new beauty rather than waste it on that. you might get a joint if your lucky, but why not cut your losses and grow a 3 ouncer instead.


thanks man .. what is 3 ouncer?. my seeds were suppose to be feminized but dont know whats rong.. do u think light made it turn into a male or it a male from the begining?


Well-Known Member
your going to waste your efforts if you have any females if you keep the hermie, its counter productive. with a male dominant hermie like that honestly you'd be lucky if you got anything close to real *bud* worth smoking, it would be all seeds and pollen sacks for the most part. Kill it, even if it was your only plant you should kill it and start over imo. youd just be wasting more time than you already have if you try to grow it out. best to cut your losses with the hermie.


Well-Known Member
thanks man .. what is 3 ouncer?. my seeds were suppose to be feminized but dont know whats rong.. do u think light made it turn into a male or it a male from the begining?
that male wasnt possibley your fault. you got ripped off on the seeds. the hermie is a male dominant hermie, you cant stress a male to make it hermie, its in its genetics, so that is also in no possible way your fault. You just got real shitty seeds. i'd get my money back. if youve got any light leaks or have been interuppting the dark cycle during flower fix the leaks and make sure they are exposed to no light. they can both cause a plant to hermie. again though it wasnt cuz of something you did this time when it comes down to the 2 plants this time around.
a 3 ouncer is a plant that yeilds 3 oz+. lol


Well-Known Member
hermies have both calyx growth and pollen sacks (girl and boy parts lol) and they can pollinate there selves making very seedy bud and when the plant is pollinated it will stop concentrating on the flowers and thc production and start putting all its effort into making seeds so the buds are not going to be good. not to mention if you dont sterolize the room VERY well you run the chance of pollinating future plants in the room and be sitting there wondering why the hell your awesome looking plants are producing shit weed just toss it man start fresh.


Active Member
males only produce seeds a hermie produces both seeds and buds, technically a female plant that produces even one seed is a hermie..
No not at all... males produce the pollen, females produce sensimilla bud witch is bud without seed... if however the female comes into contact with pollen it will produce seeds you numpty..

And that plants fucked mate defo a male / ladyboy so for the sake of the rest off your crop fuck it off son..



New Member
No not at all... males produce the pollen, females produce sensimilla bud witch is bud without seed... if however the female comes into contact with pollen it will produce seeds you numpty..

And that plants fucked mate defo a male / ladyboy so for the sake of the rest off your crop fuck it off son..

yea and its only a hermi if it produces bud and pollen not seeds