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  1. rollingotties

    First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

    Date: 5-11-1009 Hey guys, i had taken some pics this day and completely forgot to post them. lots of development and its getting very close to chop time. later today i will post more recent pictures.....
  2. rollingotties

    Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

    true thanks for the tips. i dont think im up for "flare ups" and fire for this process lol. im going to stick with everclear (180 proof) and make a tincture that i will either let evaporate down to an oil resin or keep as a tincture.......
  3. rollingotties

    How much longer? Jack Herer , Sour Jack 65 days into 12/12

    im still working on my first grow (check my sig) so im not totally positive but i would think after everything ive learned during this is that once the bottom buds mature (which for you were germinated) then the tops should be well done. so under that, and assuming that what was posted here...
  4. rollingotties

    Washing yo Bud?

    wow so much fuckin hatred. cant we all smoke a joint and be happy? :joint:
  5. rollingotties

    Is she ready???

    i started the grow with only 1 cool white cfl's when they were tiny and now have 2 tubes, 3 23W hot white cfl's, 1 20W cool white cfl, and 1 300W hot white cfl
  6. rollingotties

    Is she ready???

    funny thing about the strain, its actually bag seed and the other plant i have from the same bunch is growing completely differently and at a much different pace. your guess on the strain is as good as mine.... i started flushing about 2 weeks ago and have been using molasses intermittently.
  7. rollingotties

    Is she ready???

    so im on week 11 of flowering and was wondering what you guys think. im either going to chop now or in a week when i come back from my break. which do you guys think i should do?
  8. rollingotties

    Extreme heat!!! help pls

    true. im trying my best to keep my temp down now but it seems much harder with the added lights. do you think that stint at 100 will hurt my yield?
  9. rollingotties

    y r my plants curling PICS

    so wait, then how do you solve this issue of water pressure within the plant?
  10. rollingotties

    Extreme heat!!! help pls

    So i went away for 3 days and when i came back, the temperature was at 101 degrees (F) and there was little white freckle, or very tiny sprinkle shaped white things, covering the topsoil of the plants. (when looked at under a microscope [60x zoom], they look like little white globs of stuff with...
  11. rollingotties

    First timer, do these look ready to harvest?

    im sorry buddy, i dont want to be hating like everyone else but looking at the pic, it really doesnt seem like mj. do you have any better images that could help us determine and if it is, to better determine if it is ready for harvest?
  12. rollingotties

    Supergirl Grow 2 weeks Flowering [PICS]

    hey they are looking great! what fluorescents are you using? they could definitely be the reason for your stretchiness of the plants and why they aren't that bushy....they are looking great but i think you could do much better if you added even a few 23W cfl's..... in terms of # of weeks left...
  13. rollingotties


    So i know it is said that molasses makes your buds swell towards the end of flowering but i was wondering if anyone ever did a side by side test with two plants in equal conditions except that one received molasses and the other didn't?
  14. rollingotties

    What is the longest it has taken a seed to sprout?

    checkit, had my seeds in a ziplock bag in a freezer for 2 years and got an 80% sprouting percentage, all within 8 days
  15. rollingotties

    First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

    Just a few quick pics. purchased a 300W equivalent cfl yesterday and today is the first day with the grow. figured i would get some before pics to see if it makes that much of a difference......
  16. rollingotties

    Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

    quick question, (and im sorry if this is a studpid question) im looking to smoke my hash. is it possible to boil away the excess liquids in BHO to make it a smokable substance or would dripping it over the buds before smoking even work?
  17. rollingotties

    Drooping Leaves

    i mean i have no experience with gravity fed watering system but are they wilting or just drooping? from my knowledge of those two symptoms, its too little water from either nut lockout or simply not enough water. not exactly sure which it is with your case. a flush should help though.....
  18. rollingotties

    Why are my buds stretching??? (pics)

    my temps since its gotten warm out have been consistent 83-84 during the day and probably around 65ish at night....either way, i added a 300W equivalent clf today to hopefully reduce the problem of too little light. the plant is still green cause just last week i took it off its bloom nutes. she...
  19. rollingotties

    Why are my buds stretching??? (pics)

    tru that might explain it. its been hot as balls the past week and my grow room was in the high 80's.....
  20. rollingotties

    Why are my buds stretching??? (pics)

    there are currently 4 26W compact clf's and 2 GE plant & aquarium 4' T12 flouros.....