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  1. rollingotties


    kk so i was reading through and it got me thinking, what about a blunt filled with only resin from a bowl......
  2. rollingotties


    idk how you roll your blunts but i empty cigars out (dutches) and reroll them with weed (no tobacco). and when your saying roach, do you mean like a mouth piece or a filter?
  3. rollingotties

    Getting your pets high

    kk so i have both a dog and a cat, both enjoy being around me when i smoke. but are they getting high just from second hand? ive heard that you get a dog high by blowing into its ears (idk why that would work but thats what ive been told). anyone know of a sure way to get you cat or dog...
  4. rollingotties

    First Grow - Is this a male

    from what ive learned from experience is that higher stressed plants usually turn male.....but regardless, you can get better pictures with your camera if you change to the micro or "flower" setting depending on the camera and its setting types. its usually under "best shot" or can be changed...
  5. rollingotties

    SPREAD THE SEEDS! Let It Grow!!!

    haha that would be hilarious! i could totally see that happening on one of the islands that is down stream of the river i live next to......
  6. rollingotties

    Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

    hey, just an update on what im doing. (i never made that journal as i was hoping) but after placing the stems, leaves, and trimmings into the jar with grain (everclear), i let it sit for about a week. i then boiled off most of the alcohol and had a thick green liquid on the bottom. at this...
  7. rollingotties

    honey blunts

    true, ill be sure to take a look at this and see if my local head shop has it. and yea i actually learned this from high school and have found (in a double blind study :blsmoke:) that honey blunts are overall tastier and longer lasting
  8. rollingotties

    HELP! Need good excuses

    haha hopefully you wont have a few stoned puppies after keeping them with you babies. i know dogs like to eat chocolate but would the plants be tempting for them?
  9. rollingotties

    honey blunts

    where can you find this tasty puff stuff and is there a brand to look for?
  10. rollingotties

    honey blunts

  11. rollingotties

    Look at my girl and comment! +REP (Great Pictures)

    are you sure you didnt use any nutes? did you use miracle grow or something? i would be very surprised to hear that a plant would grow this well without any nutrients. and yea, second what has been said already in that you should definately get bloom nutrients.
  12. rollingotties

    Strain of weed named after Michael Jackson?

    one of the greatest jokes ive heard all day!!!
  13. rollingotties

    Grow a bud right out of the ground...

    if you are so curious, try it out for yourself......everyone says different things so i wouldnt take any of it for fact until you try it out for your self to see if it works or not.
  14. rollingotties

    honey blunts

    i was thinking of substituting it with either syrup or maybe olive oil. anyone have any ideas, thoughts, comments?
  15. rollingotties

    honey blunts was sarcasm lol bongsmilie
  16. rollingotties

    honey blunts

    people say that all burnt food has the possibility of giving you cancer. the National Cancer Institute also stated that hot dogs are directly linked to childhood leukemia.......
  17. rollingotties

    honey blunts

    ok so im not sure how most people smoke (either through glass or they roll) but there is a method that while rolling a blunt (using a dutch) where you smear a little bit of honey along the inside of the outer leaf. this gives the smoke a very sweet taste and allows for the blunt to burn for a...
  18. rollingotties

    My nuggets has fingers!!!

    hey i have the same thing going on with my buds. it definitely looks cool and gives it "bag appeal" i think if you are looking for that. but i mean honestly, its all going into the grinder or being picked apart at some point anyway to be smoked or such right? lol. but yea. you def have some...
  19. rollingotties

    Whats wrong with miracle Gro??

    if you are using MG, there is absolutely no reason to feed it extra nutrients. As someone already said, MG is very unforgiving if not used properly. And it is made to supply everything the plant needs on its own. any other help will result in wacked out ph and most likely nutrient lock out with...
  20. rollingotties

    how long till a plant reverts back to vegging?

    well along these lines, it turns out that she is growing stronger in the natural light (even though its been raining for the past 4 days) but go figure, im comparing mother nature to a couple of cfl's. do you guys think if i let it going for another month it will finish up flowering strong? or...