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  1. rollingotties

    how long till a plant reverts back to vegging?

    true. so then i guess it is something i wont need to worry about
  2. rollingotties

    Knowing when to flush from hairs?

    ive read and been told on here that you could tell without a microscope; you wait untill the plant has a "glow" and the trichs, as a whole, have a dark brownish color/shade. I actually got this info from a thread supported by FDD, take a look...
  3. rollingotties

    Wanna see some wierd shit??

    totally interested to see how she turns out. are you making a journal for her?
  4. rollingotties

    how long till a plant reverts back to vegging?

    The question is just that. Im having work done on my house for three days and needed to move my plant to my friends place during those three days. I am currently towards the end of my grow and have been in 12/12 for maybe 9 weeks now. The plant was put in a room next to a window facing East...
  5. rollingotties

    Hermie? you decide.....

    true. thanks for the input. i was worried for a bit i had stressed my plant into hermie.
  6. rollingotties

    Hermie? you decide.....

    hey guys, so i was inspecting my plant yesterday and noticed a few buds had what looked like seeds. there have been no male plants around and was wondering if this is what seeds of a hermied plant would look like. im a first time grower so ive never seen what seeds on the plant would look like...
  7. rollingotties

    93 degrees

    i actually have to support kubrick on this. i have visited several times my friend in arizona who grows his own stuff outside and temperatures there reach well above 100 degrees on a daily basis and they seem to have no problem at all growing outdoors.
  8. rollingotties

    My First Grow Results

    so i got some numbers for ya. 18 grams in total. excluding the stems in the pics
  9. rollingotties

    Burping??? (curing)

    also, now when they say "wait for the buds to sweat", do they mean allow for visible moisture to form on the buds?
  10. rollingotties

    Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

    hey folks. i just recently harvested my first plant :) and was going to make hash oil from its trimmings. im going to make a journal out of it and document it but here is the beginning. any comments or recommendations? (and no i wont do a post by post on this thread but in my own) for this im...
  11. rollingotties

    My First Grow Results

    dont know yet. havnt been able to get my hands on a scale but i will soon enough!
  12. rollingotties

    Burping??? (curing)

    hey, just read through that. thanks for the help. :)
  13. rollingotties

    My First Grow Results

    not 100% sure on the strain, sorry i cant be much help there, i do know she is indica dominant. but i vegged her under 18/6 for about 1 month and 1 week. turned out to be just under 2 feet tall by the end of flowering.
  14. rollingotties

    Burping??? (curing)

    so i just finished my first grow (check my journal in the signature) and was reading up on how to cure my grow. where ever i read, i see people mentioning "burping" the glass jar during curing. i realize this is to release the moisture inside but i find myself asking a simple question, how do...
  15. rollingotties

    My First Grow Results

    Hey folks. so i just finished drying my first grow and put it in a glass jar to cure. very excited as i wasnt sure i was going to get this far!!! take a look and any questions, comments, criticisms, or remarks are more than appreciated. smoke report is as follows. there is no immediate kick...
  16. rollingotties

    First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

    Hey i know its been awhile again but ive been busy with shit here and there. but between the last post and now, i cut, dried, and now my first baby is curing in a glass jar. dont have a final weigh in yet but im not expecting much nor do i care much about the yield. im just happy i was able to...
  17. rollingotties

    Making Hash?

    if that youtube link doesnt help, take a look here. its a full forum on different ways to make hash and such.
  18. rollingotties

    Does it look ready for harvest?

    haha i thought for a sec that you were looking to harvest the plant in your first pic. scared me for a sec. because its winter now, i would watch your temps outside. make sure it doesnt drop below freezing or you might see some problems. if you want, you could add nuits now but that only means...
  19. rollingotties

    First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

    hey folks so last night after the sun went down (for the plants that is) i put one of them in to another room where it will remain for the next two days in the dark waiting chop and drying. here are some images of my first baby ever!!!
  20. rollingotties

    First time grow. usin flouros and clfs

    pics from May 17th