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  1. B

    Can she make it?

    I agree with these guys. Stay positive, some live, some die. Especially if this is your first ever grow. I cant say too much for the one you have now, if she lives she wont give you the yeild you are looking for! So, start over. You could nt have been too far in veg anyways. :peace:
  2. B

    nute, heat, light burn or smth else?

    Keep a close eye on high heat and humidity. Also, do you have your air constantly being circulated, with new air coming in?
  3. B

    OMG!! I may be losing a plant! Please help!

    Oh, anfd will put a new pic up tom or friday so you can see my progress.
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    OMG!! I may be losing a plant! Please help!

    I havent watered that one since my original post. i thought to myself I was under watering, just like you said with the 1/2 c. I have upped the water on my others until i see water draining out. The smaller stems are standing back up now!! (YAHHHHH!!!) The larger 7pt leaves are not yet, but we...
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    OMG!! I may be losing a plant! Please help!

    I was watering 1x day with nutes 2x week about 1/2 cup per plant in 3 gal pots
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    OMG!! I may be losing a plant! Please help!

    She is from a seed. Ive noticed that there is new growth, even though she continues to droop.... :confused:
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    OMG!! I may be losing a plant! Please help!

    Btw guys!!! The picture on the right is before...only 2 days ago. The one on the left is current (this mornin)
  8. B

    OMG!! I may be losing a plant! Please help!

    Okay, so I woke up this morning to my strongest (or at least I THOUGHT strongest) wilting over!! I gave all 5 the same water/nutes mix (I am very anal and mix EXTREMELY precise) but it isnt looking good. Anyone have any idea why it would look this way? Any suggestions on bringin it back to...
  9. B

    Crap! My sprouts broke in half!

    You must have the lights too far away, they stretched up too far and fell from the strain. How are they looking right now, do you have any pictures? I can't say 100% for sure, but they may die. You could try to take them from the broken area, and re root them. May be better off just starting...
  10. B

    Average Life Cycle

    Here they be lol :bigjoint:
  11. B

    Help! Can I transplant??!!

    Quote myself lol how ORIGINAL! Anyways, here's the two, POST transplant. Let's see how they do :D
  12. B

    first real grow journal

    We wanna see the babies!! Just a quick question, are you giving them any nutes during veg? I would suggest a small amount, bout once a week's all I do (my N ratio is 12 so I try not to over-do it. What light cycle are you running them on now, you said 24 hrs originally. LETS SEE THOSE BABIES...
  13. B

    kinda crappy but here we go. First grow

    You've got some nice looking babies there! I'm on my first run too, and lost one; so dont feel bad if you dont have a 100% success rate! Anyways, happy growing :)
  14. B

    Average Life Cycle

    I'm learning that for sure! I try to read carefully before I act, Ive noticed that it differs with grow mediums as well. I watched Jorge Cervantes Ultimate Grow DVD 1 last night..... Ive got some pics up if you wanna see them :)
  15. B

    How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]

    Thats alot of smoke there my friend! 20-30 g is like 120$ worth....better get me uber tore up!
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    Call The Marijuana Legalization Hotline And Cast Your Vote

    Well, I called and voted anyways. Its didnt charge my phone, so what did it hurt?!
  17. B

    *!!NC House Bill 1380--THE MEDICAL MARIJUANA ACT!

    Dude, I dont wanna put my address an stuff in that!
  18. B

    Average Life Cycle

    Thanks so much you guys! :)
  19. B

    Average Life Cycle

    I wanna transplant 2 and give them a 3 or so weeks before I flower.
  20. B

    Average Life Cycle

    Thanks! GOod luck to you on your harvest! We'll hafta share pics!