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  1. B

    Help! Can I transplant??!!

    Thanks alot! Will transplant this afternoon and take some pics for ya and post asap!
  2. B

    Average Life Cycle

    So, I've been looking in many different place and can't seem to find a concrete answer on this (first time grower). What is the average veg, flowering and harvest times? I'm 6 weeks into veg an my babies are around 2- 2 1/2 feet tall. Any suggestions on how long to continue to let veg? Also...
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    lol, wake an bake is the best if you've got an easy day ahead of ya! I'm pretty baked right now, myself! :D "and we'll all toke on again....."
  4. B

    Help! Can I transplant??!!

    Re Root safe to add to the roots? I chose the Scotts cause nute wise, there wasnt alot to alter anything
  5. B

    Help! Can I transplant??!!

    I started them in organic peat moss cups and transplanted after 1 week. So, there should be no problem transplanting at their age now? I am eager for any knowledge :) Thanx!
  6. B

    Help! Can I transplant??!!

    The younger are in Scotts Moisture Control while the older are in some generic soil my bf bought. Any tips on a successful transplant?
  7. B

    Help! Can I transplant??!!

    Well, this is my first time growing on my own. bongsmilieI have 4 beautiful babies, but I started 2 one week and 2 the next. My original two have stunted growth, and I believe it's due to the horrid soil I used for them. The youngest two are thriving, but I fear that they have a pH that is a...
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    Nutrient Guide

    Thanks so much for the information. Very helpful! I am a first time grower, so everyday is a new learning experience! Also first post on rollitup :)