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  1. J

    should I use molasses or fox farm nutes?

    like $waGgEr said. And if you want to pick one, maybe consider starting off with Fox Farm and switching to molasses right before flowering (also used to sweeten the plant's flavor a bit).
  2. J

    Help aspa

    Thanks for the advice! and yes, you CAN get stoned off it.
  3. J

    Help aspa

    wouldn't letting it burn off make it drip inside the engine and fuck up the whole thing?
  4. J

    Help aspa

    this might help... its not very clear, but the heating part is completely brown/burnt.
  5. J

    Help aspa

    the thing is, this screen is attached to the whole vape device. Electricity + water= not a good idea so i guess i could submerge it upside down?
  6. J

    Help aspa

    I'm sorry if this thread dosent belong here but I have not found a right forum for this on RIU and I trust this place. I recently bought the Extreme Q vaporizer (its great IMO) and by mistake, i dropped a piece of the plastic foam, that comes as the packaging, on the heating ''plate/screen''...
  7. J

    My First Grow: Northern Lights

    Looking good there! Congrats on the girl (these kids grow so fast haha) keep up whatever you'r doing!
  8. J

    Need to buy a Friend a Gift could try to DIY
  9. J

    Codeine Sucks

    it did REALLY make me itch. I was scratching till i got red. OHH maybe im allergic?!
  10. J

    Any suggestions? (pics)

    Suggestions above are great. Also you can add a bit more soil to help the seedling get a little more support (this happened to mine before). Good luck!
  11. J

    Religion a form of Control?

    Its hard to say yes because religion has existed for such a long time and an ''organized'' government is quite recent in comparison.
  12. J

    Guys, this one is for you!

    LMFAO well that kind of haircut applies to a different region...
  13. J

    Similar to a MJ high?

    1g didint do anything at all to me.
  14. J

    Guys, this one is for you!

    So im just trying to get an idea of the percentage of guys that find short hair on a girl attractive! Comment away!
  15. J

    BUD PORN! Crystals Galore!

    You must be some proud parent. Congrats!
  16. J

    Hello, Welcome Aboard...

    Not high right now. Going to make supper and dont want to screw up lol.
  17. J

    3 Word Story

    saves us from
  18. J

    Codeine Sucks

    Everyone has to find the drugs that work for them and my bad for confusing the 2 syrups lol. Ill stick to other stuff than codeine.
  19. J

    Codeine Sucks

    bblzs: I have only tried DMX and it was nice but too small dose.
  20. J

    Codeine Sucks

    Ok i didnt mean it that way if thats what it sounded like. MY experience with codeine was very bad. Everyone reacts differently to all substances so be cautious and enjoy if it works for you!