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  1. J

    Codeine Sucks

    I couldn't find a thread on codeine here so for those who are considering trying it, here is my experience. A while back i got a prescription for Ratio Codeine after an operation. I got 60 30mg pills and ended up not needing...
  2. J

    Reassurance needed

    Def a male -__- but thanks for the consolation XD WW hash will hopefully be potent.
  3. J


    Yeah thats what i heard aswell. Thanks for confirming!
  4. J


    Ok so this might sound stupid but i need to know which way i plant (in soil) THIS seed. It never happened to me before that it twists this way. Thanks for an input! Sorry for the shitty picture, my camera is broken -__-
  5. J

    Reassurance needed

    Tonight. He/she is sleeping now
  6. J

    Taking an ounce of mush dry or 280 grams wet good idea?

    I have tried them before but didnt feel s*** (only had 1.5g) but its funny that all of you talk about big numbers because i heard many people tell me that 2g is a good dose! My two other friends with who i was doing them with took the same amount (from the same bag and all)and said they had very...
  7. J

    Kratom Reviews

    This might not belong in the Kratom thread but didnt find anything else here (or was i too lazy hmmm...) Someone mentioned roxys and that made me think that i still have some OC and codeine left from a prescription. I tried dosing a couple of times and i NEVER got any results. Im wondering if im...
  8. J

    Reassurance needed

    Well still no pistils and there's that translucent bump thing on the nodes
  9. J

    Reassurance needed

    Well thank you all and Kratose yes i was talking about the seeds. OldLuck i guess they are then (got the seeds end of that ''recently''?)
  10. J

    Reassurance needed

    F*** i thought i would have a proudly home grown stash for new least i still have some seeds. I also got 5 free ones with my WW from Planet Wax...anyone know what they might be?
  11. J

    Reassurance needed

    Well...thanks and ill post the results when its confirmed :?
  12. J

    Reassurance needed

    Here's a clear pick
  13. J

    Reassurance needed

    I know i can find the answer in many places and i have gone through tones of picture to compare but I cant face the fact that she might actually be a HE! No pistils to be seen and i switched to 12/12 about 10 days ago. Its my only plant so if the news turn out to be bad, ill keep the plant and...
  14. J

    What kind of weed is this?

    Looks like compressed wall isolation from a 200 year old house.
  15. J

    Chop or not?

    Here is the most damaged leave.
  16. J

    Chop or not?

    Well the title says it! By mistake i left her unsupervised for a day and a half (stupid of me) and she grew more than i thought and got to close to the light. There were only 2 or 3 leaves that got burnt and this is the worst. Should i trim or not? The rest of the plant is doing great. Thanks...
  17. J

    very strange... has anyone ever seen this- buds forming on leaf centers

    You got yourself a lucky girl! Consider her as a 4 leaf clover. Sorry i have no scientific explanation.
  18. J

    Main top nodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is exactly what happened to me! Only one leaf on the first set of ''textured'' had holes in it. It happened again at about the 5th set (again, only one of the 2 leaves). No clue what happened but shes alive and doing great so I wouldnt get to frustrated about it. Especially if, as you say...
  19. J

    why don't people have fur?

    Cant wait the day i dont need to wax anymore -__- lol
  20. J

    What is "Couch-lock"?

    Lol just realized this was posted 2 years ago...oh well