Help aspa


I'm sorry if this thread dosent belong here but I have not found a right forum for this on RIU and I trust this place.

I recently bought the Extreme Q vaporizer (its great IMO) and by mistake, i dropped a piece of the plastic foam, that comes as the packaging, on the heating ''plate/screen'' that was still hot! It melted immediately and now my screen is coated with plastic. Exchanging my vape (if even possible) would be quite pricy. If anyone has any suggestions of a product I could use to clean up the mess without intoxicating myself to death new time i use my Extreme Q, PLEASE HELP! Thank you.


Well-Known Member
And I dont know if this is smart but use a cleaning deturgent to wipe the excess off, cept u would have to througuhy wash with water to get of al the chemicals


the thing is, this screen is attached to the whole vape device. Electricity + water= not a good idea so i guess i could submerge it upside down?


Active Member
Turn it over and pop off the rubber feet. Undo those screws and take the bottom off. Undo those 6 screws on the sides of the opening. Unhook that wire band that's there, the little grey sides pop up and you pull the band out. Undo the screws on the little red chip. Pull the inards out. Take off the metal cylinder. Undo those four screws. Then you'll be able to seperate the heating element, glass, and screen. Clean and reassemble.


Well-Known Member
You can't get stoned off that popcorn packing...
Are u 1 of those people that need to think alittle longer
before you do any thing?? I am takes a little practice..


Well-Known Member
I have the same vape...It really isn't as fussy...just turn it on as high as you can and then hold it upside down and then scrape all the resulting burnt crap off...or when it is off take the screen off and hald it with pliers and just roast it with a lighter till all plastica can be knocked or scraped off...really just let it burn will be fine. I don't see anything that could melt down inside of it and as far as I can tell anything that falls inside will soon melt, or end up stuck somewhere in between still causing no harm...I just turn mine upside down and shake it every once in a while to gell all the seeds and weed bits, or whatever has fallen into it's is well made for sure.


Well-Known Member
It is some sort of eel...we were at an aquarium, and there were dark corners in all the tanks and at the time I had a blackberry and it turns out there are things in those dark spots you can't see...that poor eel was probably shocked to pieces by the blackberry flash, but I got so many awesome pics of things I would have never even seen.


Well-Known Member
That was a totally black back corner to one of the tanks...and the flash lights it up like the middle of I was the weirdo walking around sticking their phone up to corners of all the aquariums that day.


Well-Known Member
Neat... and I think your advise is the best so far.
But to the other guy........
Water are you out of your mind?? it's electric for cripes sake, man if you don't know WTF your talking about STFU
you could get some one killed just so you can run up your post count and act like you made it thru the 2nd grade.


Well-Known Member
Neat... and I think your advise is the best so far.
But to the other guy........
Water are you out of your mind?? it's electric for cripes sake, man if you don't know WTF your talking about STFU
you could get some one killed just so you can run up your post count and act like you made it thru the 2nd grade.
u stfu I didnt know it was attatched to the fucking vaporizer you retard, I dont give a shit about a post count im barely on here and im probably older then you, you sound like some random highschool kid.


Ursus marijanus
You can't get stoned off that popcorn packing...
Are u 1 of those people that need to think alittle longer
before you do any thing?? I am takes a little practice..
You can actually, but it's a nasty toothy smoke, and the buzz is sort of ... lightweight. cn