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  1. J

    Cheap and easy to install lights

    Equal to a 300W incandescent.
  2. J

    My Marijuana Plant is Really Thin

    Your need more light. CFL would be your best bet. Place the light about 2-3 inches above the plant (cfl). You want about 100W per plant and no incandescent lights as they will give you heat but that's about it. Unfortunately, your setup is much less than ideal. You'll need to rethink this grow...
  3. J

    lime questions

    Sulfates. Vinegar works too. Just make sure you don't add too much. Add it to your water as I suspect your soil is balanced.
  4. J


    You'll have to feed your plants regardless of whether your soil has nutes or not. You're plants will use those nutes up in a month.
  5. J

    lime questions

    Lime raises your pH. If your water's already hard (high in calcium and alkaline), which it appears to be according to your test results, then there's really no need to add lime unless your soil is low. Test your soil mix when complete. Blood meal is acidic in nature but bone meal is alkaline. If...
  6. J

    My first attempt

    It appears to be working. I can't say whether it's just the water, the h2o2, or the Rootstock but things are looking up. No ill affects whatsoever. Sorry wink, no pics. Ultra-paranoid hippie w/ super-stealth grow. No evidence. Thanks again for the help folks.
  7. J

    My first attempt

    There are some problems regarding peroxide though. From what I've read it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which means both the good and the bad will die. So if you use micro-colonization or myco-colonization (compost teas, etc) in your soil then it'll kill off these colonies. Do not use as a...
  8. J

    My first attempt

    It's done! Here's what I found. And here is chart outlining proper dilution: I wish I knew how to post it with proper formatting. Will keep you posted with results.
  9. J


    How many nodes do your plants have? Mix fertilizers as directed by the label but start with 1/4 strength if it's your first time. Do not add fertilizer until your soil is sufficiently dried from previous waterings as this will only exacerbate your problem if it is indeed an overwatering issue...
  10. J

    My first attempt

    Does anyone have any information on the peroxide bit? I'm going to check my soil here for moisture in a bit. If I deem it sufficiently dry, I was going to water with H2O2 but it's not horticultural grade, it's a typical 3% mixture. Will this harm my plants? Also I was planning on adding Earth...
  11. J

    Help! My leaves are turning yellow!

    Can you get pictures? What type of light? What type of soil? It definitely sounds like you're overwatering. You shouldn't be watering any more than once every 3 days or so. Are the leaves drooping at all? Make sure that when you water the soil is completely dry. Get a thermometer and...
  12. J

    Soil flushing question

    You'll be fine for touching the roots. Do try to get the soil out of them but be very gentile. Normally wouldn't matter but as the soil is doing harm to your plants do your best without damaging the roots. You can use distilled water to rinse the roots which will help remove the soil. If you...
  13. J

    new grower

    I would look for Pro-Mix if I was you. Or mix your own. Experiment. A good place to start is 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 peat moss and a touch of lime for pH and go from there. Perhaps add some guano, compost, blood meal, bone meal, kelp meal, fish emulsions. Try some stuff. Just be...
  14. J

    Soil flushing question

    Don't bother with a flush, just transplant them at your earliest convenience. That MG soil will do you no justice.
  15. J

    Soil flushing question

    If your soil drains well, it shouldn't be a problem. Just add water a few cups at a time until it spills from the bottom of your pots and then wait 3-5 days until they dry out to water again.
  16. J

    Soil flushing question

    What are you using for soil?
  17. J

    colored lights??

    Red and blue as in soft white vs. daylight or red and blue as in colored glass or filter? Different spectrum bulbs are useful depending on the stage of growth the plant is in but filtered light is not.
  18. J

    My first attempt

    Also, what are people's thoughts on 48 hours darkness before starting my 12/12 cycle? I've seen it done that way before and it didn't seem to harm the plants at all. I thought it would be worth adding that this is my first grow but I've got experience in other grow rooms. It's funny though...
  19. J

    Do I use veg nutes till i see white hairs?

    You can even add flowering nutes (phosphates, etc) a week before you cut your light back. Some folks will induce flowering early by dosing their plants down with phosphates while growing outdoors.
  20. J

    My first attempt

    H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, right? Or am I mistaken? I have the typical 3% mix you get at the drug store and was planning on using that with Earth Juice Rootstock cutting concentrate for my next watering in order to bring this sucka back. Bad idea?