My first attempt


Active Member
Hello folks,,

I'm new here and this is my first attempt. Naturally, I have a few questions but first, a little about my setup.

I've built a grow room that's 6'x6'x6' and it's constructed of 2x3s and 1/2" foam board insulation.

I'm running an air-cooled 600w HPS system at 18/6.

I've 6 plants in 3 gallon plastic pots.

My soil mixture is a humus based fertilizer mix cut with 1/3 perlite, approx. 10% vermiculite, 10% peat, blood meal (12-0-0), Bone meal (4-12-0), Bat guano (8-4-1) and dolomite lime. pH levels are between 6.5 and 7.

My temperature range between 75-80 daytime and hover around 65 at night, as I have a space heater on a line voltage thermostat.

Things are well but a little slow as I've been doing a lot of reading as I go. When I started my setup was less than ideal and I've collected all my equipment during the process. I've had heat issues, watering issues, deficiency issues. Needless to say my veg period has been extended. I'm currently dealing with overwatered plants. 1 in particular.

Now my questions.

How long do folks typically allow for vegging (IE when is the ideal time to cut light back)?

What size pots do folks use? obviously it's a preference thing and depends on how large you want your plants to be. I'm using 3 gallons but am now wishing I went smaller(overwatering). Would 1 gallon pots be more ideal?

I've been allowing them to dry now for 4 days. When I do water again, I want to try the H2O2 trick. What's the proper mix ratio when dealing with 3% peroxide? I'm also planning on adding some Rootstock cutting concentrate as well. This will help too, I'm assuming?

Thanks in advance to anyone who's willing to help.


Well-Known Member
you vegg as long as you need to , some like big trees some like small bushes i switch after about 7-8 weeks from seed or when plants reach 12". i grow in 2.5 gallon trashcans some go bigger some much smaller i just went for the middle of the road pot size. as for the h202 im not sure what the trick is , i was told by a veteran grower never use regular h202 on plants only horticultural h202 and always follow the directions on the container. what is the peroxide trick??


Active Member
H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, right? Or am I mistaken?

I have the typical 3% mix you get at the drug store and was planning on using that with Earth Juice Rootstock cutting concentrate for my next watering in order to bring this sucka back.

Bad idea?


Active Member
Also, what are people's thoughts on 48 hours darkness before starting my 12/12 cycle? I've seen it done that way before and it didn't seem to harm the plants at all.

I thought it would be worth adding that this is my first grow but I've got experience in other grow rooms. It's funny though, there's nothing quite like having your own.


Active Member
Does anyone have any information on the peroxide bit? I'm going to check my soil here for moisture in a bit. If I deem it sufficiently dry, I was going to water with H2O2 but it's not horticultural grade, it's a typical 3% mixture. Will this harm my plants? Also I was planning on adding Earth Juice Rootstock to the solution in an effort to restore root health, as I've had a problem with overwatering. Good idea? Bad idea?

Any help would be much appreciated and thanks again to all for your help.


Well-Known Member
my soil seems to stay moist for a long time i think its because my room is too cold. as for the peroxide i say make a weak solution and try it . i will be watching!


Active Member
It's done! Here's what I found. said:
The benefits of hydrogen peroxide for a garden can be useful for any kind of a garden, and any method of gardening. Peroxide is great for plants that are planted in the ground, and it’s also great for plants in containers -- it is useful in hydroponic gardens, raised beds, and greenhouses.
Similarly, peroxide for gardening applies well with all kinds of plants: a rose garden, herb garden, vegetable garden, orchard, shade trees, flower garden or lawn -- any or all of these would benefit from hydrogen peroxide.
Peroxide works by releasing oxygen. It acts as an oxygen supplement for plants. It seems to really support both good health and strong growth for plants.
Hydrogen peroxide can also help with soil fungus: it aerates the soil, and it is anti-fungal. (It is also anti-bacterial.)

And here is chart outlining proper dilution:

I wish I knew how to post it with proper formatting.

Will keep you posted with results.


Active Member
There are some problems regarding peroxide though. From what I've read it's anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which means both the good and the bad will die. So if you use micro-colonization or myco-colonization (compost teas, etc) in your soil then it'll kill off these colonies. Do not use as a fertilizer supplement unless you've overwatered and need to get extra oxygen to the roots.


Well-Known Member
jangle you asked whether it would be good or not to turn the lights off for 48 hours.. I would suggest turning it off for 36. Random number, but that gives the plant a kick start to flowering. I don't know whether its better to go longer, but I don't think you need too. 36 I think is as much as you can benefit from. Hope that helps ;) Good luck with the grow man


Well-Known Member
let us see some pice of before and after hydrogen peroxide! i may want to do this because my plants take a long time to dry up.


Active Member
It appears to be working. I can't say whether it's just the water, the h2o2, or the Rootstock but things are looking up. No ill affects whatsoever.

Sorry wink, no pics. Ultra-paranoid hippie w/ super-stealth grow. No evidence.

Thanks again for the help folks.


Well-Known Member
it appears to be working. I can't say whether it's just the water, the h2o2, or the rootstock but things are looking up. No ill affects whatsoever.

Sorry wink, no pics. Ultra-paranoid hippie w/ super-stealth grow. No evidence.

Thanks again for the help folks.
if they were coming for you they would already be there . From what i hear the servers are in canada so u.s. law enforcement cant get our i addresses or personel info. But if it helps you sleep.......