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  1. TheSpiderMite

    update on my kush...27days flowering today

    Looks great, what lighting were you using?
  2. TheSpiderMite

    Plants Know When To Sleep

    ^ A peak during veg won't hurt.
  3. TheSpiderMite

    Plants Know When To Sleep

    Hey everybody, I noticed every grow that an hour before the dark photoperiod of 18/6 my plants begin to wilt and 30 mins before the lights turn on they begin to rise I was just wondering ado my plants know when the dark photoperiod is about to begin and the light are about to switch?
  4. TheSpiderMite

    Setting up a local Cannabis Cup!

    We should have a RIU cannabis cup, hope all goes good for you
  5. TheSpiderMite

    How to avoid popcorn. PIC.

    Dry sift :weed: I'm more of a bubble (full melt) kind of guy though can't wait to harvest some of these 007 Ogs and make some more.
  6. TheSpiderMite

    How to avoid popcorn. PIC.

    Seems basically the same thing as lollipoping which I don't do, popcorn buds make for great hash and joint bud later on.
  7. TheSpiderMite

    Real newbie

    Jamaican dirts perfect for growing pot :grin:
  8. TheSpiderMite

    What type of plant?

    Oh **** I barely noticed that it's suppose to where excuse my redneck grammar.
  9. TheSpiderMite

    what are friends for on the forum...?

    Lonely pot growers......
  10. TheSpiderMite

    How to avoid popcorn. PIC.

    Uh wait..explain this technique to me please?
  11. TheSpiderMite

    Why Hydro Kicks Dirt's Ass ?

    True Shit :cool:
  12. TheSpiderMite

    does light really degrade thc

    If light degrades Thc should I leave my flowering plants in the dark :dunce:.
  13. TheSpiderMite

    Couple of pics

    :weed: Fat Nugs
  14. TheSpiderMite

    First grow advice wanted with pics

    To speak the truth not looking too jolly mate. The numbers are the ratio of nutrients in the bottle, .7%N,.4P, and 1.0%k.
  15. TheSpiderMite

    Black ops 2

    A couple of joints and Hello Kitty Island Adventure is the way to go.
  16. TheSpiderMite

    flora nova

    I use flora nova (2.5ml p/gal for small clones)&(5ml p/gal for larger plants) in my coco works like a charm. :cool:
  17. TheSpiderMite

    Clone bone!

    I clone in coco works like a charm and don't need a dome. :cool:
  18. TheSpiderMite

    Oh no! What did I do???

    What the CFM of your fan might I ask?
  19. TheSpiderMite

    lst 1 week old

    3 weeks from cutting or from rooting? Looks like heat stress, I can tell by the leaf fringe