Clone bone!

Avon lee

Active Member
Just took a clone off of my plant with little to no knowledge on doing it or any rooting gel/solutions. Now that I've read The proper way to do it I doubt my clone will make it to The morning.
My steps were.....
I cut off of an lst'd plant but I did cut from The bottom.
I took The cutting,cut all The leaves off except The top and dropped it in a cup of CLEAN water and let it sit for about 5 min
I then sterilized my scissors and cut at an angle while The cutting was still submerged in The water. I then made a small hole in pre-watered soil, where I planted The cutting,lightly misted and put a clear bag and rubber band around the top and set it next to my computer where its warmer.
The clone is now in The dark but SHOULD I PUT IT IN LIGHT??
Will it even survive my method???
Please help?
CloneHEAD or BONEhead?


Well-Known Member
I did it without rooting powder/gel. Put it in 24/7 light, a small cfl around a foot away will do just fine


Active Member
Should work just fine for you, but you'll need a small light, 18-24hrs a 1/2-1 foot away if it's cfl 2-3 away if it's hid. One cfl would do. Other than that it's mostly about waiting.. And more waiting lol. Some strains can take a few weeks before they give enough roots to transplant.

Avon lee

Active Member
Well it didn't lean over and die so I suppose she's doin ok. Last night I left it under a small light and this morning the leaves were ERECT. I've had her on the top shelf away from direct light and I've takin the bag off of it about 3 times today for about 5 minutes at a time. Ive misted the plant AND soil about 3 times today.
My next question is....
How long before I can put her under direct cfl light on a 18/6 regimen????
I only have one grow space for light and one for complete darkness so either she would have to sit under the kitchen stove light or go into total darkness for 6hrs with the rest of the ladies!


Avon lee

Active Member
Well NO thanks to you all. I took the bag off today and put her under a 100watt cfl AND SHE DIED!
So I'm assuming it wasnt ready for direct light. Highly pissed off!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss. I can't say what went wrong because I wasn't there, but for future reference, I've never had a cutting root faster than a week to 10 days. In the photo you provided, the cutting was probably a little too leafy. The cutting has to draw enough water to fill all its leaves. Also, water is constantly transpiring from the leaves into the atmosphere, so if you reduce the leaf surface it cuts back on transpiration and water loss.

Also, you can root cuttings in organic media, but I've had better luck with a mix of perlite and vermiculite.

After I take a cutting and put it in propagation media, I check it several times a day. I either cover it with plastic to maintain humidity or I spray it with water at least once a day. You need to make sure the leaves don't start to droop, because that could mean dehydration. If the cut is drying out, you can give it more water, but it also might need to have more leaf surface removed.

I don't cut back on the watering or misting until the cut shows signs of perking up or until I feel resistance when I gently pull upward on it. Same thing if I have it covered with a plastic bag or cup.

Another thing that can go wrong is putting a cutting so close to a light that it dries out or burns. If you put your finger on a leaf, the heat from the light should not be enough to make you move your finger. I think cuttings do benefit from lighting, but it doesn't have to be anywhere near as strong as daylight, far as I know.

Hope this helps. Don't be discouraged, there's always going to be a few cuttings that fail.


Well-Known Member will get the hang of cloning. Just read up and have the proper materials to make it happen.
I like Rapid rotters and plain old cheap $5 Rooting powder. Take cutting, scrap a little skin off opposite of my cut, dip in water , dip powder, stick in Rapid rooter, put under dome, place under low light area for 7 days 24/0. Spray only inside the dome, not the plant. 7 days later move under 24/0 normal lighting...this be the way I do it. 99% success rate.
There are other methods to Cloing. But, this works for ,me.

Direct to soil..does work
You should have kept it in the low light and left the cover on and never mist the plant.

Good luck

Avon lee

Active Member
Wish I would've known these things. I was misting the plant AND soil! AND WHAT DO U MEAN BY ”TOO LEAFY”? Should I have cut it further down i.e. burry it deeper?????