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  1. repoocbd

    Building a cabinet need to know if I am missing anything

    Ok so I am moving from my closet shelf to a slightly roomier cabinet and one that I can get better access to my plants and lights. I am making it 48H x 24W x 30L I am putting a door on the front that I can open like a normal cabinet. Then I have 2 light strips that hold 3 CFL's each that I am...
  2. repoocbd

    Is it a mutant or just really anxious to grow?

    Ok I am starting a new project from scratch as my first attempt was a horrible failure :sad: This time I germinated extra seeds and planted them all, but one came up so fast it still had the seed clamped on. And the leaves were poking out in an odd way. I left it for a day and looked again...
  3. repoocbd

    Second Grow Still Some Questions

    LOL yeah I wouldn't do that either, but in response to johnnyt2184 I wont ever shock my plants again. I can't remember where I read that I was supposed to, but my friend said that is what he heard from a guy that had grew back where he used to live. As far as lighting goes I decided to stick...
  4. repoocbd

    Second Grow Still Some Questions

    I never heard of HID lights so I just looked them up and it says they are the most efficient lights around. Do they produce much heat or use much power at all? Also they look expensive, but I was thinking I could rig a car headlight with it and use that for less than half the price which I...
  5. repoocbd

    Second Grow Still Some Questions

    Well I have issues with not wanting to spike my electric bill and the heat I can't really ventilate out. My only options were fluorescents and CFL's which I plan on adding at least one CFL to my closet soon. Just a little tight on the cash atm. Ty for the info on the time to flower though vey...
  6. repoocbd

    Second Grow Still Some Questions

    One last question based on my grow area. I have my plants under a dual 20 inch florescent light fixture with indoor horticulture bulbs. And that is on a pully system so I can raise and lower it as needed. And the total hieght they can reach is about 34 inches. So assuming I want them to get...
  7. repoocbd

    Starting Over

    Thanks I will try that also those gatorade bottles sound like a really good way for me to have extra plants in the same area. The pots themselves only let me get 3 under my 20" florescents. I think I could do 5 bottles I may have to try that since I germinated way to many seeds this time lol
  8. repoocbd

    Second Grow Still Some Questions

    Well actually I am just not really up on the terminology. I read the shocking comment somewhere and it stuck with me since it was the same word a friend of mine had used once. I am refering to the time you induce flowering or sex the plants. However one of the males I threw out looked like it...
  9. repoocbd

    Second Grow Still Some Questions

    Ok I am starting my second grow. My first one went very bad. I burned the plants with nutes once or twice, was using untreated tap water that probably caused more problems, when I first tried to shock them one died the other 2 lost all there leaves and took 2 weeks to start growing new...
  10. repoocbd

    Starting Over

    Ty, you that was mainly what I was looking for was a good way to make my own soil. The only thing is what do you mean mix in a little 1/2 teaspoon? and also I am limited on space can I jsut Flower them in the same 6x6 pots I veg them in? I know it will be a smaller plant but can it be done...
  11. repoocbd

    Starting Over

    I had been growing some plants for the last few months. It was my first time and I made a few mistakes. At one point the plants were almost baron basically just sticks with no leaves somehow I nursed them back and they turned out to be all males or herms. Go figure after the harsh life they had...
  12. repoocbd

    Recently shocked now limp amd wilted

    I have been growing some plants since late October and decided they were ready to shock. I am growing 3 side by side on a closet shelf that gives them about 3 feet of room to grow they were about 2 feet tall when I decided to shock them. Now just for background I have been growing them under an...
  13. repoocbd

    2 Leaf Seedling

    *UPDATE* Well after giving it almost 2 more weeks the plant still never grew anymore or devoloped anymore than the 2 clover leaves it came up with. I am limited on space so I decided to pluck it and I noticed it hardly had any roots either. There were 2 main roots and about a dozen minor...
  14. repoocbd

    What happens if I never cut it down?

    Ok sounds like cloning is the way to go. I think I will forget about trying to revert the plant and just clone it when the time comes. Thank you to every one that replied.
  15. repoocbd

    What happens if I never cut it down?

    Thank you for the info, but how would I get it back to vegatation growth after cutting the majority of the buds? Is it as simple as changing the lights back to a longer cycle and using vegetative nutes? I am still a long ways from this as I only have seedlings, but I always like to know what I...
  16. repoocbd

    What happens if I never cut it down?

    I have been reading alot about growing recently, but no onw has talked about what happens if you don't cut an in-door plant down. I mean if I just cut off the buds as they mature and leave the plant will it start to flower again? Or do you have to cut it down and start over everytime? It...
  17. repoocbd

    2 Leaf Seedling

    Thanks for the info. I have let it sit there for a almost a week and it so far has not done anything, but I will let it have another week before I decide for sure that it is not going to grow.
  18. repoocbd

    2 Leaf Seedling

    Ok yes that was a long post but I wanted to give all the info someone might want. Here is the quick version. I have 3 plants. One of them I germinated in a piece of wet cotton cloth. That plant only came up with the two clover leaves and did grow quickly for a couple days but now stopped...
  19. repoocbd

    Can the pot I use have a large effect on my plant growth?

    Here is a total newb question, but I am in the right place :) So here it is I have two plants one in a clay pot one in a plastic pot. The clay one absorbs allot of the water I add to it and the plastic one doesn't so I have had to water the clay one allot more. Also the plant in the clay pot...
  20. repoocbd

    2 Leaf Seedling

    Hey everyone I am new to growing and the forum. I have recently started dabbling with the idea of growing my own plants and am going the total amateur route, but still have a few questions about whether this particular plant is somehow deformed or sick. First I just used bag seeds. One is...