2 Leaf Seedling


Active Member
Hey everyone I am new to growing and the forum. I have recently started dabbling with the idea of growing my own plants and am going the total amateur route, but still have a few questions about whether this particular plant is somehow deformed or sick. First I just used bag seeds. One is from an unknown bag and that is the plant that is really having problems. I have two other plants that I used seeds from a really good batch I came across they are growing great, they both have the two clover leaves and the two serrated leaves and are growing with sturdy stems and about 2 inches a day so far. The one seed that come from an unknown bag (I dug it out of the ashtray...) I had germinated in a moist piece of cotton cloth and the cloth did start to smell a little like mildew as it sat there wet for 3 days. Anyhow the seed germinated very well after 3 days and had a sprout over a quarter inch long. Oddly I had two other seeds in there that did not seem to do anything at all. So I took the one that germinated put in in the soil and being a total newbie I did it upside down. I put the sprout side down and burried it. Well the next day I looked at more sites about how to grow and saw I did it backwards so I carefully removed the soil on top and looked at it and it already started growing upward so I replaced the soil and left it.

When it came up it was bent over with its baby leaves closed together. In a day it had straitened up toward the light (2 florescent bulbs designed for indoor horticulture) that was about 6 inches above the clay pot I have it in. Once it straitened out I saw it only had the two clover leaves and not the serrated ones. I thought that was odd, but hey what do I know right? So I waited a few days in the meanwhile I found the good seeds and planted one directly in the soil in a plastic pot and the other I germinated in a paper towel this time and planted it in a clay pot. Both good seeds came up at the same time and both had 4 leaves (2 clover like and 2 serrated). As I waited on the first plant too develop it continued to grow strait up for the first few days to a height of about 3 inches. But now it was stopped growing at all and it is not developing its other leaves it still has just the two clovers like leaves. My two good seeds have far surpassed this one in height and leaf size. The plant in question has a good color the leaves are a medium shade of green and the stem a bit darker with the fuzzy fur looking stuff on it.

So I wonder is there something wrong with the seed like maybe it's DNA was messed up or the mildew on the cloth damaged it genetically some how? Should I throw this seed out and try a new one? I would like to keep the plant if at all possible that way I could have two strains to breed, provided they did not all come out as male or female lol. And yes I know it is not very rewarding to breed two generic strains, but I am a newbie and I want to try different things with out spending allot of money on it. Oh yeah the soil I am using is not the best for the job (Miracle Grow Organic Mix potting Soil), but the other two plants are doing great so it can't be all bad. I am not watering much only about a cup of water a week in all per plant. And I am not using any fertilizers yet, since I was told the soil it is in already has slow release fertilizer in it. The only difference between this plant and my best plant is the origin of the seed and the medium I used to germinate it. But that one is twice the height and has its 4 starter leaves and it started 3 days later PLEASE LET IT BE A FEMALE J


Well-Known Member
Iam sorry I diden't read your book but I think you are saying your seed have not germinated yet(or rooted) keep them moist and in a dark warm place, be patient brother. they are like a new born baby(worste) Take your time
They will work, some take longer than others


Active Member
Ok yes that was a long post but I wanted to give all the info someone might want. Here is the quick version. I have 3 plants. One of them I germinated in a piece of wet cotton cloth. That plant only came up with the two clover leaves and did grow quickly for a couple days but now stopped growing and never developed any other leaves. After 8 days it is around 2 1/2 inches tall with the two clover leaves and looks a healthy color. Why is it not growing more leaves and is it odd for it to start with out serated leaves? The other two plants are doing great.


Well-Known Member
they only start with the two clover leaves the fan leaves aka sun leaves aka serrated leaves form soon after the clovers open couple days give or take


Well-Known Member
You have to realize that different strains grow at different rates and can even look quite different from one another. Based on your description, nothing is wrong with this seedling in question. It may currently be growing slower than the other two, and may not yet have expressed its first set of normal leaves, but that definitely doesn't mean that it is a lost cause, or the result of a genetic problem. One of the most important lessons you can learn as a new grower is patience. Growing your own Marijuana is a lot of fun and is very exciting, especially when it's your first time and you are learning all about it. It is our natural tendency to want to constantly "do" something to help the plant become the biggest, most potent ganja tree ever to grace this Earth. But you need to learn to step back and just let the plant do its thing.


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I have let it sit there for a almost a week and it so far has not done anything, but I will let it have another week before I decide for sure that it is not going to grow.


Well-Known Member
i have to agree let it ride ... it will either start growing again or it will die. but its gonna do that with or without your help. just be patient and water only when the soil is dry with your finger poked down to about 1 and 1/2 inches which may be up to 3 to 5 days in between waterings


Active Member
*UPDATE* Well after giving it almost 2 more weeks the plant still never grew anymore or devoloped anymore than the 2 clover leaves it came up with. I am limited on space so I decided to pluck it and I noticed it hardly had any roots either. There were 2 main roots and about a dozen minor finger roots. But after growing for more than 3 weeks it should have had a substantial root system. So my guess is it was never going to do anything more. Thanks again for the advice