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  1. repoocbd

    New cabinet need help

    well then I loose my precious grow space :( not a route I want to follow
  2. repoocbd

    New cabinet need help

    Alright here is what I am doing. I have a 4.5 foot tall 2.5 foot wide 2 foot deep stealth cabinet I am making. I am trying to add a fan in a shelf that is about 12 inches down from the top and blowing up. I also have attached a 4 inch vent in the back. Here is my problem. I don't know much...
  3. repoocbd

    Air Smell Problem

    I tried a box of baking soda with a few plants in my closet and it did almost no good at all. I could still smell it all over the apartment most of the time. What I have been reading is carbon filters work best. My current plants are only 3 1/2 weeks old, but so far the filter I put in front...
  4. repoocbd

    Clone questions

    ok this is an awesome tutorial indeed and what's better is I have all this stuff from recently upgrading to a larer aquarium for my fish. All I need is the water bed heater (awesome inginuity there btw) and the No-Damp. I just have one question about the final stage where you plant the new...
  5. repoocbd

    CFL Party Bulbs can they work?

    ok I found a decent website with a chart listing rough color temps for light bulbs. hope it is helpful. P.S. still need to know about the light spectrum party bulbs will produce.
  6. repoocbd

    CFL Party Bulbs can they work?

    Ok I was at the hardware store for parts for an ongoing project and I ran across colored CFL party bulbs. They are basically CFL's with a high temp latex paint coating. Would buying red and blue bulbs do any good? I mean would that really simulate the color spectrum of grow lights, or is it...
  7. repoocbd

    Is my plant eating it's soil?

    Ok I have a few plants that are growing quite well but one is growing way faster than the rest. It is only a day or two older than the rest but has them beat by almost 2 inches and is way more lush and full. I am growing them all in the same soil and in 20 oz gatorade bottles that I put tape...
  8. repoocbd

    LED question for anyone with experience in them

    well thanks for the info guys, I will probably just wait on LEDs for now and stick with CFL's. They are easy to cool and they have been working great in a small cabinet with only 6 plants.
  9. repoocbd

    LED question for anyone with experience in them

    Ok I have been looking into LED grow lights they are very pricy to say the least and from what I hear the spectrums are not right. So I was at Menards today and saw they have LED light pucks with 25 LEDs per puck and 5 pucks in a pack for 49.95 and they all plug into one outlet and have an...
  10. repoocbd

    question about cloning

    Awesome thanks for the info
  11. repoocbd

    question about cloning

    Ok I am going to need to do some cloning soon and wondered exactly how I treat the mother. 1 Do I reveg it after I find out it is a female? 2 Do I keep the mother around indefinately and just keep taking clones from that one? Or do I select a new mother from the new cloned females? 3 My...
  12. repoocbd

    What happens if i flower my plants when they are still seedlings?

    Ok I am not saying I am going to do it, but what would happen if I did? I mean my biggest plant is only about 4 or 5 inches tall and about the same in its leaf span and I planted the germinated seed on March 1st so it is not even 2 weeks old yet, but its growing very fast and very well so I...
  13. repoocbd

    Light green spots on my babies

    the water is tap water about 7.1 ph and I let it sit at least 48 hours before use. The soil is miracle grow organic mix and my lights are 6 x 26 watt CFL's and 2 x 20 watt normal fluorescent lights, well indoor horticulture lights not normal but the old long tubes is what I mean.
  14. repoocbd

    Light green spots on my babies

    Well here is the reason why. I already tried to grow these seeds in the same soil and they would come up grow 1 set of new leaves then stop growing or doing anything they also where not growing decent root systems. Once I began with nutes they started growing again but that was my first time...
  15. repoocbd

    Light green spots on my babies

    I have 4 seedlings growing and doing quite well. I have been watering with a mild fertilizer (miracle grow water soluable tomotoe food) since they first came up both through the leaves and soil. Last night I had to move them from my grow cabinet to my closet, but i still had grow lights on...
  16. repoocbd

    Building a cabinet need to know if I am missing anything

    So far they are doing well in vegatation mode I may add more later if needed. I already have a dual 20 watt fluorescent light fixture I can put in thier and another regular light socket I can add too. As far as painting the inside flat white That won't be so easy since it is made of plywood...
  17. repoocbd

    Building a cabinet need to know if I am missing anything

    Ok well I looked into mylar and according to thier website Home Depot doesn't sell mylar of any kind. Any ideas what type of store I would be able to find it at? I am not really willing to order anything off the internet. Also I am using only CFL lights that I can hold in my hand all day...
  18. repoocbd

    Building a cabinet need to know if I am missing anything

    Is there anything wrong with using foil as a reflective surface? I would rather not use mylar since one I thik it is probably allot more expensive and second I don't have any idea where to find it. Plus I hate walking into Home Depot and saying I need something cause they always ask me what I...
  19. repoocbd

    Is it a mutant or just really anxious to grow?

    Thanks for the info, hopefully it turns out normal like the rest of its sibblings.
  20. repoocbd

    Is it a mutant or just really anxious to grow?

    Well I see quite a few people have viewed this post but no replies so I can only assume no one has seen this happen before. The plant still looks good. it seemed to no be doing much at first but I looked again and saw today it had started on it's second tier of leaves which is a good sign so...