Is it a mutant or just really anxious to grow?


Active Member
Ok I am starting a new project from scratch as my first attempt was a horrible failure :sad: This time I germinated extra seeds and planted them all, but one came up so fast it still had the seed clamped on. And the leaves were poking out in an odd way. I left it for a day and looked again and the shell was drying out and still clamped but I couldn't tell to what since all four leaves (the 2 clover and 2 serated) were visible and not in the shell. so I carefully removed the shell with tweezers and saw it had been holding onto a 3rd clover leaf??? Is that odd? I mean I have seen at least a couple dozen seedlings and they all started with 2 clovers and 2 serated. Once I had one come up with only the two clovers and then it never really grew so I pulled it after 3 weeks and started a new one. Is this plant a mutant or something? Has anyone else seen this happen? It seems to be growing really well and if this is not common I am really interested to see what happens.


Active Member
Well I see quite a few people have viewed this post but no replies so I can only assume no one has seen this happen before. The plant still looks good. it seemed to no be doing much at first but I looked again and saw today it had started on it's second tier of leaves which is a good sign so hopefully it turns out female and it grows extra flowers like it did leaves :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Those "Clover" leaves are called Cotilydons, they are actually what is left of the inside of the seed after it opens. They usually dry up and fall off.

If you had three cotilydons, it was definately a mutant but I wouldn't worry about it. Wierd deformities happen all the time.


Well-Known Member
Ya, I've had that from unstable -but stable enuff hybrid plants. I wouldn't be reall concerned about it. as I recall, I cloned thousands of plants from the anomoly.

Wait till you have a plant that shoots bud from the middle of its sun leaf.... lol


Active Member
Ya, I've had that from unstable -but stable enuff hybrid plants. I wouldn't be reall concerned about it. as I recall, I cloned thousands of plants from the anomoly.

Wait till you have a plant that shoots bud from the middle of its sun leaf.... lol
Thanks for the info, hopefully it turns out normal like the rest of its sibblings.