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  1. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    Yes, they all do but i thought the male kinda did too so obviously I am not sure.
  2. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    Had to get this up today... still kinda unsure.
  3. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    Daily update... hopefully these shed a little more light on the subject although I think these plants (unlike the one I already pulled) are flowering a little slowly. Been 12/12ing for just over 2 weeks now. Anyone confirm whether they look like they are moving along at the pace the should...
  4. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    It's hard to get that close and have it stay in focus. You mean where the branches meet the main stalk right?
  5. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    New Pictures today guys. I am thinking the first one is a female (let me know). The other two I don't think are showing yet. Thanks again.
  6. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    Pulled the obvious one... was hesitant cause it was my second biggest plant. You guys I am sure know how it is. Anyway, like I said, more pics tomorrow when the lights are on again.
  7. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    Thanks guys, I will try to get some better pics up soon.
  8. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    I didn't know if people trusted uploading pics to PB or not that's why I asked. Here they are in all their glory. I have a feeling about a couple. I technically know how to tell I just have never done it before so I am looking for a second opinion.
  9. souleman96

    Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...

    i need to know how to post pictures up in here. Do they have to be hosted elsewhere? Sorry about the noob question but I need to get some help figuring out if i got me some males or females. Any help on either would be greatly appreciated. Soule EDIT: Check below for pictures. EDIT 2: New...
  10. souleman96

    Negative Ion Generators

    No one has any insight into this topic at all? I know that the ionizers can rob your bud of taste and smell a bit if placed within the tent but how does it work for deodorizing rooms when placed outside the grow area?
  11. souleman96

    Negative Ion Generators

    Reviving this topic if I can... I am looking into getting a negative ion generator for my grow room and am wondering if anyone has experience with them. There are a lot out there claiming to do the same thing and I want to make sure I get a quality product. Also I would like to avoid any Ozone...
  12. souleman96

    Where should I go from here?

    OK, let's try this... anyone have experience with how tall a white widow should be before flowering?
  13. souleman96

    Where should I go from here?

    Does anyone know how to post a picture?
  14. souleman96

    Where should I go from here?

    First grow (cfl, Stalth Hydro, White Widow) and I have hit a small snag (nothing too big). One of my 6 plants got nutrient burned and I didn't catch it for a day or two. Once I figured it out I cleaned it out for a few days and it seems to be back to normal. Only problem is now it is lagging way...
  15. souleman96

    Stupid question about a seedling...

    Wow, thank you for the input guys. I really appreciate it. I mean yeah, you live and learn. These particular seeds (white widow) took about 4 days to germinate in the rock wool so hopefully doing it in the fridge will be faster and I can catch that sixth plant up with the others.
  16. souleman96

    Stupid question about a seedling...

    I'll take the silence to mean that it's not going to root...
  17. souleman96

    Stupid question about a seedling...

    I am even a little embarrassed to be posting this but here goes... earlier this morning I was trying to get one of my newly budding seedlings out a little higher from inside the rock wool it was in as it was lagging behind the others in growth. I clipped it from the seed almost directly where it...
  18. souleman96

    Question about vent fans...

    Yeah, it's a small tent with one stealth bubbleponics grow. I would imagine one 6 incher would get the job done. Thanks again for the info. Mods can close this thread if need be.
  19. souleman96

    Question about vent fans...

    I thought it would help keep the air fresh inside the tent. But I am just starting out (haven't even started the grow yet). So you are saying I should only have fans drawing air out (and that as many of them as possible is good or I should go with a set amount)? Thanks again.
  20. souleman96

    Question about vent fans...

    Have a 6 inch vent on the top of my grow tent and a 4 inch one near the bottom. Will I suffocate my plants if I have a 6 in fan drawing air out and a 4 in one drawing it in? Or will it equalize itself? Thanks.