Where should I go from here?


Active Member
First grow (cfl, Stalth Hydro, White Widow) and I have hit a small snag (nothing too big). One of my 6 plants got nutrient burned and I didn't catch it for a day or two. Once I figured it out I cleaned it out for a few days and it seems to be back to normal. Only problem is now it is lagging way behind my other plants. So my question is, I am pretty sure it is time to start flowering (if someone could let me know what they think about that as well that would be great) but I am not sure if I should just flower with the runt still in there, take it out, or even try cutting a clone from one of my biggest plants and inserting that into it's place. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also I have a picture but am unsure about how to post it. Again, thanks for the help.