Stupid question about a seedling...


Active Member
I am even a little embarrassed to be posting this but here goes... earlier this morning I was trying to get one of my newly budding seedlings out a little higher from inside the rock wool it was in as it was lagging behind the others in growth. I clipped it from the seed almost directly where it met the seedling. I left it in the rock wool and am praying but is it even remotely possible that a plant like this could grow? I have others germinating (precautions for this sort of thing, it's my first grow) but I was hoping to plant them in soil to experiment. Any advice/ info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
And leave them alone. Patience is key to growing anything. It was alive and growing till u messed with it. Remember that for the future. Alot of problems can be solved by leaving the plant alone.


Well-Known Member
and start with soil...not rock its hard for a germinated seedling to push up thru those lil stones get some good balanced basic potting soil


Active Member
Wow, thank you for the input guys. I really appreciate it. I mean yeah, you live and learn. These particular seeds (white widow) took about 4 days to germinate in the rock wool so hopefully doing it in the fridge will be faster and I can catch that sixth plant up with the others.