Need some forum and ultimately sexing help (first time grow)...


Active Member
i need to know how to post pictures up in here. Do they have to be hosted elsewhere? Sorry about the noob question but I need to get some help figuring out if i got me some males or females. Any help on either would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: Check below for pictures.

EDIT 2: New pictures even more belower...


Well-Known Member
i need to know how to post pictures up in here. Do they have to be hosted elsewhere? Sorry about the noob question but I need to get some help figuring out if i got me some males or females. Any help on either would be greatly appreciated.

once you post a pic you cant remove it. so i just photobucet them into my posts. that way if u want to remove later you can just edit the post. as far as sexing goes, what do you have. little balls or calxys with 2 white pistils?


Active Member
I didn't know if people trusted uploading pics to PB or not that's why I asked. Here they are in all their glory. I have a feeling about a couple. I technically know how to tell I just have never done it before so I am looking for a second opinion.



Well-Known Member
the first two are hard to tell, you might have to wait a bit onger for a sign but the third one looks like a male to me ..



Well-Known Member
whoa def male on the last one. the others ones. take pictures of the nodes.... the space wher the two branches form..Pe@ce..


Active Member
Pulled the obvious one... was hesitant cause it was my second biggest plant. You guys I am sure know how it is. Anyway, like I said, more pics tomorrow when the lights are on again.


Active Member
New Pictures today guys. I am thinking the first one is a female (let me know). The other two I don't think are showing yet. Thanks again.



Active Member
It's hard to get that close and have it stay in focus. You mean where the branches meet the main stalk right?


Well-Known Member
yessir... thats where youl spot the pre-flowers before you actualy start flowering. or in your case, when your flowering... it doesnt have to be a real clear picture. just enough to see the calyx with the beautifull lil white hair sticking out......... or those god damn sacs.... see what your can do man.. Pe@ce..


Active Member
Daily update... hopefully these shed a little more light on the subject although I think these plants (unlike the one I already pulled) are flowering a little slowly. Been 12/12ing for just over 2 weeks now. Anyone confirm whether they look like they are moving along at the pace the should (along with sex). Thanks again guys. Glad that this forum exists for knowledge base sharing.



Well-Known Member
o wow man. that sux. 2 weeks and they havnt popped yet..... i cant really see aynthing besides something that could be either.. but im leaning more calyx then sac.. if you can give us another update tomarow then it might be more than a guess... sorry mayng.. Pe@Ce...