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    sorry peeps ive done it now thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    What You Think?

    how does this girl look to you?
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    no ive not long joined
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    why cant i put any pictures up i select manage attachments and it goes on to a page but from there it wont let me upload anythink i select add files go through my folders and select the pics but it wont upload why?
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    Spider mite??

    Hi all I'm due to put my girls into flower soon I haven't seen anythink yet but are u only likely to get spider mite during flower?? Thanks
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    Clones in dwc?

    Thanks guys
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    Clones in dwc?

    Ok thanks all for the help So it won't harm the cuttings
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    Clones in dwc?

    Hi all justca quick question i used canazyme to boost my roots on my plants but can i put it in my bubbler to progress roots on my cuttings??
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    HELP!! Cud Someone Help Me Plz

    Thankyou all for ur help!!! Much appreciated
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    nutes help?

    Hi there im using a and b u know what ml u use and stuff?
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    nutes help?

    has any one used these nutes?if so u recommend them?
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    HELP!! Cud Someone Help Me Plz

    thanks for your help fatty4matty i do have a heated propagator but wen i used it it just kept dryinh the soil out
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    HELP!! Cud Someone Help Me Plz

    hi there ok thanks for your help but why straight into 12/12 if u dnt mind me asking
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    HELP!! Cud Someone Help Me Plz

    hi there thanks for your help do u recomend using a heated propagator?
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    HELP!! Cud Someone Help Me Plz

    Hi everyone im a newbie to this site and to the marijuana growing world judt a few question i hope someone could guied me through i have one plant to start of with and get used to it and the other day i topped it and now were i cut the top of the top of the stem has gon black anyone know why...
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    Pineapple Chunk indica pheno?

    Hi all I've got one barbets pineapple chunk I wondered if someone cud help I had her in coco soil but growth seemed slow so I purchased a bubbler pot she has got bigger but I mean she is like three weeks old and shes like four inches tall but loads of leaves all clumped togeva this is my first...