HELP!! Cud Someone Help Me Plz

Hi everyone im a newbie to this site and to the marijuana growing world judt a few question i hope someone could guied me through i have one plant to start of with and get used to it and the other day i topped it and now were i cut the top of the top of the stem has gon black anyone know why??
Also ive tried to take cuttings from this plant but they never work they always die i mean is putting them straight under a 600w mh light to intense? sorry to be a pain ill try and get some pics up thanks guys!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Buddy - that's just covering a way too big field in one post.
Here's a great way to get more specific info. Do Google searches like this: "taking clones rollitup"
Yes - 600 watt will kill almost any clone.
i cant help with the topping problem and i dont condone topping at all the best advice i could give you is on your next grow train her instead and save you and her alot of stress. And yes a 600 mh is far to much for clones if u want to start cloning you'll need a t5 light if your just gowing in normal pots (soil or coco) get a tall skinny pot to start with and fill half way with medium add a few drops of root stimulator pop the cut in and cover the pot with some cling film or surane rap if ur from usa if its hydro just use rockwool cubes. give them a few days under 24h light then once they have rooted bang them strait on to 12/12. gud luck mate hope this helped
yes get a heated propergator if u got the cash its the best thing you can buy if ure cloning. and 12/12 because your clones are already sexually mature. you can veg if u like but its a lot better to just have ure clones rolling in and out continuously its called a sog or sea of green check it out in the faq


Active Member
I think for a newbie, you would be better sticking to mastering one thing at a time. You have a problem with a topped plant and you are struggling with cuttings so lets solve those first. The black where you topped is the plant trying to heal itself and as long as the black does not spread, it will recover. For cuttings, I have seen hundreds of slight variations to a single theme and the method I prefer is simple and very successful. 1. If your plant is in soil, water is 1 hour before taking succings, you will improve success massively with a well hydrated plant. Other than that, the donor plant must be healthy and bug free. 2. Choose your donor branch. I prefer older, lower branches, these will not amount to as much as higher branches so can be sacrificed. 3. Make your cut. Make sure the section you choose has new growth and a pair of leaves, cut below the next pair of leaves down, making sure there is a pair of leaves/branch on the trimmed section for new growth to grow from. 4. Trim off lowest pair of leaves and dip the tip in rooting gel/compound. 5. Place cutting in rockwool cube/soil. (My success rate is about 99% in rockwool, 80% in soil) I presoak rockwool in a mixtrue of ph/d water, 1ml/l clonex 1 drop/l superthrive & a few grains of Canna Trachaderma. If using rockwool, "flick" the cube to remove access moisture, they should be moist, not soggy. 6. Spray with same solution used for soaking cubes once per day and keep in a propagator. Vents closed for first 2 days, then open by 1/3 per 2 days so after 6 days the vent is fully open. At this point, stop the daily spraying. By day 10 you should be bursting roots from everything in there. 7. Check the cubes/soil is moist daily, NEVER let them dry out If you need any other help, pm me, I am happy to help. W
use rock wool cubes and keep the lid on and give them a spray with a mister bottle every day soil isnt good for propergators