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  1. D


    Wen do i knw my plants ready to go in flower???
  2. D


    Thanks peeps
  3. D


    You know were u can tell the plants are female when do they turn to whit hairs?? Or is it just hairy stem?
  4. D

    Which way is best?

    Ok thanks guys so now I'm gona put them in pots with soil in a heated propagator with a 24w sun blaster?.
  5. D

    Which way is best?

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put two seeds in wet towels at think half one this afternoon just checked then 22:45 and bam they have sprouted in like 10 hours :D is this a sign of good seeds? Do i put the tap root facing up or dwn ive heard both ????
  6. D

    Which way is best?

    Why are they a waist of time of trying diff methods is a waist of time?
  7. D

    Which way is best?

    Ok ok will consider that ive just put two in wet towels for nw im going to try ova methods with the others has anyone had coloured seeds b4??
  8. D

    Which way is best?

    Im going to use coco plus
  9. D

    Which way is best?

    Plz look and quote
  10. D

    Which way is best?

    Ok thank u will ontop of i fish tank be to warm?
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    Which way is best?

    How abt the wet tissues in a sealable bag?
  12. D

    Which way is best?

    Ok thank you for ur info and help
  13. D

    Which way is best?

    What do people find better to germinate soak in water till seed sinks then put into tissue or put tissue on plate put seeds in tissue put another piece on top wet tissue and put in dark place ??
  14. D

    Is this light any good??

    Ok thank u for info
  15. D

    Is this light any good??

    I've bought this light is it any good to start cuttings??
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    What You Think?

    Nice one m8
  17. D

    What You Think?

    I mean I set up another pump g'day and I thought it was to powerful can it never have to much air in the water??
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    What You Think?

    Yh will do it's the pump I got with the dwc and the big ball air stone I'm thinking the roots may look dark cos of the clay pebbles??
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    Will do wen it's flowering
  20. D

    What You Think?

    she may look droopy cos she had just been sprayed before photo and the roots thats what they go like so i was told when using a dwc