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  1. E

    odor control

    hey this is my first grow and im growing in my college apartment college so its important i keep the odor controlled is there any cheap solutions out there that work? thanks
  2. E

    using foxfarm soil

    hey im planning on using ocean forest soil as my medium and using the grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom products for nutrients. Should i stick to the feeding schedule foxfarm has on its website or is there better options? thanks for you anwsers
  3. E

    whats a good soil to use

    thanks from reading this it doesnt seem the right soil to use for a beginner and thats what i am got any suggestions for other soil options?
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    whats a good soil to use

    hey everyone i just got some miracle gro soil to grow in wondering if that is a good idea? anything i should add to it?
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    appriote lighting

    haha i realized that was small after i posted it what about a 2 by 2 foot area how many plants could i grow
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    first grow here just have some questions

    ic how many plants would you estimate being able to grow in a 2 by 2 foot area
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    Best website to buy equipment

    hey guys i was jw what your feedback is on what website is the best to buy lighting fixtures, growing mediums, reflectors, etc
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    first grow here just have some questions

    sorry i meant 8 by 12 in area not feet i feel stupid haha
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    first grow here just have some questions

    hey guys as you can see my setup is small but i would remove the top shelve for more room. This is what im thinking for my setup. I would have 6 plants in a 8 by 12 inch area under a 250 watt hps light with some sort of reflectors closing in the light to the area and a fan circulating the the...
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    appriote lighting

    hey guys first time growing here and i wondering if a 250 watt hps light would be enough for 6 plants in 8" by 12" inch area
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    how much weed can i expect growing

    hey guys first time growing here i was wondering how much weed i can expect from having 6 plants under a 200 watt hps light with approriate temperature and humidity control