first grow here just have some questions


Active Member
hey guys as you can see my setup is small but i would remove the top shelve for more room. This is what im thinking for my setup. I would have 6 plants in a 8 by 12 inch area under a 250 watt hps light with some sort of reflectors closing in the light to the area and a fan circulating the the air. I am new at this so anything suggestions or tips would be appreciated. thanks



Well-Known Member
8' x 12' area and a 250 watt light???????? A 250 watt light will cover an area around 2'x2' not much more. Sorry to say but you like 6 1ooo watters to cover that space.Just my two cents. Check out the FAQ at the top of the page and it will give you alot of ideas.


Active Member
8' x 12' area and a 250 watt light???????? A 250 watt light will cover an area around 2'x2' not much more. Sorry to say but you like 6 1ooo watters to cover that space.Just my two cents. Check out the FAQ at the top of the page and it will give you alot of ideas.
sorry i meant 8 by 12 in area not feet i feel stupid haha


Well-Known Member
Oh...well thats totaly different. But that is really small for six plants. One of my plant wouldnt fit in there and they are still vegging.