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  1. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright im at day 27 and my plants are at about 8 inches each. im going to start the 12/12 cycle tomorrow. a couple questions. how long before they start to smell?( i dont know what im going to do for odor control)Also when should i expect to be able to tell females/males? thanks for the help
  2. E

    would this work to control odor?

    alright im growing 2 to 3 plants in a closet 8 ft in length, 3 ft in width, and 9 ft in heighth. my question is would a air filter work in that area? To describe it, it says it removes 99% of the harmful pollutants in the air and circulates and filters the air 5 times an hour. If so where should...
  3. E

    will this control odor?

    alright im growing 2 to 3 plants in a closet 8 ft in length, 3 ft in width, and 9 ft in heighth. my question is would a air filter work in that area? To describe it, it says it removes 99% of the harmful pollutants in the air and circulates and filters the air 5 times an hour. If so where should...
  4. E

    Supplies for homemade carbon filter?

    alright ive decided to make my own carbon filter. now i live close by a walmart super store and a home depot. i would like to know what supplies you guys use and if there available at those two stores?
  5. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright im at 20 days right now and all my plants are around 4 inches. they are look pretty good with a few small exceptions. in the second picture hopefully you can see the small spots on the leaf. now its only on one leaf so any ideas on what the problem is and what i can do to fix it? in the...
  6. E

    odor control

    nvm i just realized im stupid lol i know what you guys mean thanks for the help
  7. E

    odor control

    so as long as i have the fan with the carbon filter attached above the light it would work? wouldnt the fan still be blowing the air into the carbon filter which would be bad?
  8. E

    odor control

    yea i was considering a carbon filter but where would i put? i was thinking of buying another fan and having it blow the odor into the carbon filter which would be located above the light. Woult that work?
  9. E

    odor control

    alright as you can see im working in a closet with no where to exhaust. any ideas on how to control odor?
  10. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright im at day 15 and i gave them 1/4 strenghth grow big and it looks like they took it in well. theyre all about 2 and half inches to 3 inches. planning on giving them 1/2 strength after my next watering. good idea? any suggestions on controlling odor when i flower? thanks
  11. E

    How to use nutrients?

    alright so would something like this work, 1/4 strength grow big in first watering, just normal water next watering, then 1/2, than just normal, then so on and so forth untill i get to full strength every watering?
  12. E

    How to use nutrients?

    alright first time growing here and im wondering when to use my nutrients i have the big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom from fox farm. tomorrow will mark the 15th day of vegging and my plants are at about 3 inches and have many leaves. so i was thinking i would start at one/fourth strength of...
  13. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright mine are at about 12 days and are only 2 inches should i start giving them nutes now instead of wait
  14. E

    attempting my first grow

    dam this is what i was afraid of is there a limit on how small the plant can be to flower, i know it needs to be strong enough to flower and hold the buds and all that
  15. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright its been about 10 days and i just transplanted them into 6 three gallon pots. I know they won't start smelling for another few weeks but does anyone have any ideas on odor control? also im moving in about 2 and half months so i was wondering if i could get them done by then? i was...
  16. E

    attempting my first grow

    i lowered my lights from 18 in to a little under 11 to we will see how it goes thanks for the responses
  17. E

    attempting my first grow

    yea as far as the ventilation goes i added another fans and temps are at about 81 82 now so is that good? the idea behind the clear cups was to see the roots but i guess thats bad ill just put some tape around the sides and see the roots through the bottom. i was thinking about lowering the...
  18. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright its been a week since i planted the germinated seeds. they all seem to be growing well as you can see. i plan on transplanting them into 3 gallon pots in about 3 days. how long before should i see the roots at the bottom of the 16 oz cups? any anwsers are helpful
  19. E

    attempting my first grow

    alright its been about 3 days and all of the seeds have sprouted the pic is of my best one, temps are around 86 degrees when lights are on and 74-78 when off(is this the range im looking for?). im thinking of moving them into bigger pots in about a week or when i see the roots at the bottom(good...
  20. E

    attempting my first grow

    i just came across some seeds about two weeks ago(not sure what strain they are) and thought i would give growing a try well heres the info closet size length- 6 ft width- 2.5 ft height-7.5 ft estimated actual grow area length- 2.5 ft width- 2.5 ft height-7.5 ft equipment- 250 watt...