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  1. P

    My Last Two Plants, I Know They're Close, But What Do You Think?

    Buy the loupe. But honestly there's a point that ur plants hit that just scream CHOP ME THE FUCK DOWN!!! Scan thru some of the posts here you'll be able to see it
  2. P

    PH for ProMix

    If interests you, try rm3's method. I think it's sunshine mix#4, dolomite, and calcinated clay (hydroton) He ends his harvest with boiling water, but I think he said it helps steralize the medium and he reuses it. Think he's in the double digits for reusing the same mix
  3. P

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    Nvm just got beat to it lol
  4. P

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    600w produce the most light based on electricity consumption
  5. P

    Crazy new growth 9th week of flower

    I believe he's saying that those branches in the pics are at the bottom of his plant? The growth was unexpected and different from the growth on the top part of his plant
  6. P

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    That's awesome! Would be cool to run it and see. And @GrowUrOwnDank i really don't have a comment for you...
  7. P

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    I thought the cmh was discontinued?
  8. P

    Upgrade to HiD lighting

    Do you have to use a tent? Do you have an open space??
  9. P

    Questions about height and lighting

    Lst and you'll be fine
  10. P

    White paint on walls?

    This is a straight copy and paste
  11. P

    Newbie being impatient

    Pic would be helpful but if you still have some of your plant left do a staggered harvest and label them and smoke it. See which one you like the most
  12. P

    Growing Mediums/Soils

    I used FFOF these past 2 runs. But I think I wanna try rm3's mix. I believe it's sunshine #4, some dolomite, and calcinated clay (hydroton)
  13. P

    PH for ProMix

    I'd say in between 5.5-6 and you should be fine. What's gotten you so tired of mixing up your soil?
  14. P

    When to Harvest?

    Sativa Dom tends to show Amber some show it in week 4. Others are completely Amber by week 5
  15. P

    Is it time to Flush?

    CLICK ON THAT FUCKING LINK your answer/education/epiphany are all waiting for you in that link.
  16. P

    Is it time to Flush?

    Tell me about it! Now I understand why UB responds the way he does, but like you said in another thread. Some people make it hard to post and help them, what makes it worth it are the few that thank you for doing so
  17. P

    Is it time to Flush?

    I think this is where you discounted the science.... Have you clicked on the link yet? I feel like a broken record man. Also I don't think science said the earth was flat, people said that, then scientists proved the world was round..
  18. P

    Is it time to Flush?

    Dude you keep ignoring me. Did you click on that link? If you read my earlier post you would see that I said flush doesn't work the way it's regurgitated on the forum. What it can help do is starve the root zone of oxygen forcing the plant to begin its curing process while it's still alive
  19. P

    Is it time to Flush?

    I'm glad to see you don't let anything get in the way of your ignorance.... Even when dried, your bud contains some moisture in it. Also have you clicked on the fucking link yet!?