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  1. Solar Flowered

    Outdoor Harvest Bud Shots

    Thanks man!
  2. Solar Flowered

    Outdoor Harvest Bud Shots

    Thank you Vnsmkr, GrowUrOwnDank, and Dj. for the likes!!
  3. Solar Flowered

    Outdoor Harvest Bud Shots

    Thanks Ruby Fruit for the like!
  4. Solar Flowered

    Outdoor Harvest Bud Shots

    Got some nice buds shots for my 2015 harvest.. Enjoy! Also feel free to check out my YouTube video as well:
  5. Solar Flowered

    In a very bad trouble need Professional HELP

    Yep, I would just be careful to keep things as sterile as possible. This upside to hydroponics is that you have more automation.. though the down side is that you have to keep things sterile similar to cloning. I learned with cloning bleaching everything before hand really helps. Best of luck!
  6. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Yep, I think that's why it is such a shame that people can't grow outside.. due to legal issues. It's almost like the outdoor scene is tailored to the hobby grower. You can learn a lot without having to spend all the money on electricity and equipment. I bet when cannabis is legal on a...
  7. Solar Flowered

    outside plant problems

    I agree with yahooman.. I think you would have been better force flowering them earlier in the year. If the weather starts to get too wet and your plants still need a few more weeks.. my best recommendation is finishing the flowering cycle by running them as 24/7 indoor plants under 600 watt...
  8. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Yep, I hear ya man. Growing inside can be a bitch.. but 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing I suppose..
  9. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Oh yeah.. I think some strains cannabis can take a BEATING and still produce well. An example I have is this sour diesel bud. It got it's ass kicked this year from heat damage.. but she will yield very nicely lol.
  10. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Thanks man!
  11. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Thank you. Much appreciation.
  12. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    I don't think it would hurt at all.. I would just keep the cal-mag to a light feeding. These are what my plants look like.. and everyday they get well water.
  13. Solar Flowered

    White paint on walls?

    I think it would depend on whether or not your walls and ceiling are insulated. I don't have insulation in the walls and ceiling.. so I covered them with panda plastic to help insulate the heat. However, if your room is properly insulated.. I would say a flat white paint works great!
  14. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Sounds like a good plan. I use well water so pretty much I have pre-mixed a cal-mag mix on tap. :P That's how I know it works wonders in helping sick plants rebound. Canna is also a good nutrient line for sure.
  15. Solar Flowered

    In a very bad trouble need Professional HELP

    I agree with resinhead. This is why I grow using Black Gold soiless mix. Waaaay less stuff to go wrong. I wouldn't don't even touch deep water culture unless I had a soil-based garden as a backup.
  16. Solar Flowered

    brown spots on baby leafs

    Yep, some cal-mag and about 20% strength vegetative nutrients.. and this plant should be back to normal within 5-7 days. I would be careful on hand irrigation.. since the plant is now more sensitive to over/under watering. I also use a bit of roots excelurator and recharge which helps give the...
  17. Solar Flowered

    Outside to Inside Question!

    Here is a video I made about keeping outdoor plants inside out of the rain or when you can't watch the garden. As long as your environment is dialed in.. I bet you can go up to 2 days with the plants only getting supplemental lighting with the warm and dry air. Anything over 2 days and I bet...