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  1. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    Just past 3 weeks
  2. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    i dont really have an intake/vent.... the closet is pretty bit and i leave the door open to controll the heat. i have a medium sized fan on them at all times so the room stays pretty well vetelated..... at least i think.
  3. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    i dont use MG ferts. just the organic soil.... sorry i didnt specify i want to use schultz since thats what ive already bought
  4. jiveturkey918

    Nutes from lowes

    can i use schultz plant food. really the only store i have around here for plants is a lowes and their selection isnt two amazing when it comes to plant fert. so i have a bottle of schultz liquid plant food. its 10-15-10 can i use this or is that a bad idea....
  5. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    same here with not really having any super fancy stuff... and yes i have i have fan blowing always and a small humidifier that manages to keep the room right around 50-55%
  6. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    has anyone used schultz nutes..... its 10-15-10..... can i use this or is it a bad idea.
  7. jiveturkey918

    Is something burning?

    nice. thats what i was hopeing. thanks
  8. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    Alright here is my setup in my closet. Its my first time so if you see anything majorly wrong or have an pointers i would love to hear it. I'll keep this updated with pictures every couple weeks or so and i would also like to know if my plants are where they should be or if theyre behind. I...
  9. jiveturkey918

    Is something burning?

    ok i have three plants all of witch are about 3.5 weeks old and i just moved them to 2 gallon potts. for soil i used a mix of MG organic mix, perlite, verm, and a pinch of peat. they seem to be doing fine. my ph is about 6.8 the thing im wondering about is that the top surface turns brown...
  10. jiveturkey918

    CFL setup questions

    Ok here is a bar of sockets i put together at work. (sorry its blurry) I want to know if this will be an effective setup if use 6 of those 2-way socket splitters so ill have 12 lights. Probably about 2000 lumens each. Also...
  11. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    The light
  12. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    Ok so i made a new lights setup. should this be a reasonable cfl grow light if i use 2 way socket adapters so i'll have 12 lights?
  13. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    ok the closet is kind of weird shapped. it makes somewhat of a L shape. the part of the closet where the plants will be is (and i actually got out the tape measure ) 8'x39"x32" so its actually smaller that i thought. and after looking at the cfl grow threads i had planned on just using...
  14. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    advice? anyone?
  15. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    Its going to be in my closet. ITs about 15sq feet. 10 foots ceelings. white walls. This is what i have so far for plants
  16. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    about 150 bucks
  17. jiveturkey918

    setup advice and other advice needed

    I've never grown a plant before of any sort. Always been interested in growing marijuana but just recently decided to try. Ive read and read and read everything i can on the web buteverytime i think ive got something down i read the opposite on some other site. So... what i want to know is...