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  1. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    2 gallon. that was the biggest thing lowes had for some reason that wasnt clay pots... thats big enough right? i only want them to get about 2.5 or 3 ft tall
  2. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    i will as soon as i get home
  3. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok so still even after the nute overdose and i flushed my plants the leaves seem to still be curling on the edges and they are a darker green the the leaves that have recently grown. on my biggest plant i had one of its lower leaves get a couple of those faded burn looking spots on it. and on...
  4. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok well im not so paranoid but id still like to know what exactly the yellow spots were from. nutes....lites.....not enough of something..... too much of something....
  5. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    Also one of my smaller plants thats has recieved no nutes has slight patch of spots on one of its bigger leaves. kind of yellow in color. looks similar to the spots in that first picture but not as bad yet? could it be my lights?
  6. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    this is what theyre looking like today 2nd plant are the leves supposed to droop like that?
  7. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok. so i flushed my 3 biggest plants last night because their leaves were curling. they all seem fine now except one has yellow spots on its two lower leaves and the edges are crunchy. is that because of the fert or is that usualy cause from something else. im kinda paranoid now that ive done...
  8. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    my mix its about 4 parts MG organic choice/4 parts perlite/1 part vermiculite and 1.5 - 2 parts peat.
  9. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    without it its 25-30% and with it on lowest setting its about 45-50% so....?
  10. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok i lightly flushed(watered good till it ran out the bottom for a couple sec) do i need to do anything to help the soil dry out or just leave things the same? they have a fan blowing on them but do i need to turn the humidifier off till the soil dries out a bit?
  11. jiveturkey918

    Curling please help!

    and yes the lights are 6500k and i have 4 or 5 1500k mixed in.
  12. jiveturkey918

    Curling please help!

    yeah i gave them a light flush and by light i mean i didnt completly flood the soil i just watered till it rean out the bottom and then reapeated this about 3 times. i also just checked my lighting timer and realized it was not what i thought. lol ummm i only had it set to 23on 1 off. now its 18...
  13. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    i get that now. i just want to know if i should flush the soil or wait it out
  14. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    its a tiny bit worse today. this was taken yesterday. the edges of some of the biggest leaves are rolling up theres no spotting and the leaves are still soft and green. i think i may have added too much plant food because im a newbie. will this fix its self if i just continue with regular...
  15. jiveturkey918

    Curling please help!

    its a tiny bit worse today. this was taken yesterday. the edges of some of the biggest leaves are rolling up theres no spotting and the leaves are still soft and green. i think i may have added too much plant food because im a newbie. will this fix its self if i just continue with regular...
  16. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    7 plants. in total. one pot has 2 plants so i actually have 8 but i plan on plucking one dependint on how they look in a week or so.
  17. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    a few of the leaves of my biggest plant look like they're curling up on the edges a little. is that bad? i just watered yesterday.
  18. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    oh i know. if it gets bad enough im just going to vent it up through the attic. but hopefully its not too overwhelming that i cant stand it. i was expection it to stink up the closet and room so thats no biggy unless it becomes unbarable. :-P
  19. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    I had to add somemore lights so i could fit them all so in total i have 18 cfl at 414 watts. 38,000 lum. about 4.5 ft long