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  1. jiveturkey918

    Slow Growth and Yellow Spots. Pics. up

    alright. well i went with the "mg organic choice" cause it had the lowest nute content according to the bag and it didnt mention how it would "feed up to 3 months". since the top growth looks fine it should be ok if i just stick to the norm and dont add any nutes? Yes the buckets have good...
  2. jiveturkey918

    Slow Growth and Yellow Spots. Pics. up

    i water every 3 or so days. my soil mix has alot of perlite and sand so it drys out sorta fast. but if i stick my finger down the edge of the pot and feel the soil and its still moist at all i wont water. the nutes in the soil are just what was in the the soil i used which was MG organic choice...
  3. jiveturkey918

    Slow Growth and Yellow Spots. Pics. up

    i used a small amount of nutes and shortly after flushed my pots because the first big leaves that started to grow started to burn and that was before i transfered to 5gal buckets. the link in my sig shows all of my plants. the others seem fine, one has droopy leaves but other than that the...
  4. jiveturkey918

    Slow Growth and Yellow Spots. Pics. up

    They just keep getting bigger. Anyhelp i can get with this would be awesome. i dont want to try the wrong thing and make it worse.
  5. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    Ok so here is an update at 1 month veg. This is my best one. its was one of them that had the burning leaves at the bottom but it looks fine and its growing noticibly everyday. This one is actually only 2.5-3 weeks old and was in a pot with two other plants but i plucked the other two...
  6. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    i dont know what to do then. both the pill test and the battery powered meter pretty much read the same thing and its all right around 6.3-7 and i wouldnt think thats causeing the spots....
  7. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok i have 2 methods of checking the ph. i have a batter powered gauge from lowes that was 20$ and i have a manual testing kit that i have to mix a tiny pill in a vial of water and then add the soil.... i think it was like 10 bucks maybe. could these both just be POS testers and there for i...
  8. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    well after researching a little my ph may be too high....its been about 7.0 and i just check it a couple min ago and in the new soil mix they're in its about 6.3-6.5 and the one i added the most peat to is right at 6. should i raise this of go with it and see what happen?
  9. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    Ok so when i get home today its the same BS as last time..... they're still perky and they all look the norm but no signs of growth and the yellowspots continue to spread of the leaves of the plants..... ive added no nutes.... ph is fine the room temp is fine hum. is good and the lights can...
  10. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    does it matter that i already have an overhead fan blowing on them...... they get plenty of airflow for sure
  11. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    good? bad?
  12. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok here they are today today 2 smaller plants still in the small containers..... and this doesnt really matter but i got a timer for the humidifier set to turn on randomly for 15min at a time and this seems to keep the hum. perfect.
  13. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok well my 3 biggest plants were looking droopyand had the spottedlower leaves and the past few day had shown no sign of growth. so last night i transplanted 4 plants to 5 gallon buckets same soil mix except i used a fair amount of sand in this mix plus perlite because it felt like my other mix...
  14. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    about 30% if i dont use the humidifier and its floats around 45-55 on the lowest setting all day
  15. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok well i feel like i should rule out nute burn. even the plants with no nutes added and the leaves arent touching the soil. completly different set of plants about a week younger than the others in the pics have that yellow and dry spotty shit on their leaves. so on some of them it does infact...
  16. jiveturkey918

    Dry dead spots? Please help me find whats causeing this. Pics

    lol yeah sorry about the pics being sideways.
  17. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ill be honest and tell you i kinda have no idea what you just told me. and im really confused now. i just want to know if the stuff on my leaves is ok and it'll pass or will it continue to spread and is there anything that will stop it. so far its has started to spread over all of the lower...
  18. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    and thats not just one plant thats 4 of them. they all have that on the lower leaves. and one of them is a plant ive never even given nutes