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  1. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    how can i tell if i have a herma and if i do can it be used for anything?
  2. jiveturkey918

    Is this normal?

    veg for 2 weeks. the fert i have is schultz 10-15-10
  3. jiveturkey918

    Is this normal?

    The lower leaves of my plants are turning yelllow and dying.... ive been giving a regular light dose of nutes for about every week and a half but still that doesnt seem to help. its not out of controll or anything and the rest of th eplant seems fine. Should i be concerned about it or is it...
  4. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    what about using males for hash? worth it?
  5. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    yeah so after some further reasearch and investigating. the shot one is deffinately a male. How separated do they need to be from the other plants? like the closed is somethwat long. probably like 10 ft. if i hang a sheet or something to seperate them will that be enough or does it need to be...
  6. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    yes. clusters of little green balls. Male?
  7. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    Im having trouble telling what female and male and possibly herm. 3 of them have white hairs and the shorter one actually has little clusters of bud shaped things but no hairs so far.....
  8. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    yeah. never could find any 20-20-20 so ive just been using the 10-15-10. and thanks.
  9. jiveturkey918

    Yellow leaves. Any tips? have pics.

    alright ill go see what i can find as far as 20-20-20 goes. last time i chekced and this was at lowes i couldnt find anything that was 20-20-20. the closest thing to it was mg tomato food and its 18-18-21. if i cant find 20-20-20 should i just use the mg tomato fert?
  10. jiveturkey918

    Yellow leaves. Any tips? have pics.

    oh and the fert i do have is schultz 10-15-10... havent used it yet. should i find something with a higher N or is it worth giving it a shot with what i have?
  11. jiveturkey918

    Yellow leaves. Any tips? have pics.

    Well im currently too broke to buy a ppm tester. As far as my ferts go i havent used any so far. 5th week of veg on the largest plant i have and the other 2 plants with yellowing lower leaves are only in their 4th week. I used MG soil but it was the "organic choice" so its not so heavy on the...
  12. jiveturkey918

    Yellow leaves. Any tips? have pics.

    Have 3 plants with yellow leaves at the bottom and on one of them it looks like its moving up a bit. Is this a N problem? Thanks for any help.
  13. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    These Two have dark green leaves and seem to have not grown at all in the past week or two. On the other hand. These otherers seem fine so here is an update on them.
  14. jiveturkey918

    2 plants, 1 pot

    lol well i have answers going both ways so ive gotten nowhere so far
  15. jiveturkey918

    2 plants, 1 pot

    I have a pot with two verrynice looking plants in it and im about to transplant to 5 gallon buckets. i had originaly planned on just killing one but they both look very nice. Can i successfully grow two plants in the 5gal bucket
  16. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    ok so i went and picked up a bag of potting soil. sand. perlite and two 5gal buckets. mixed 2 parts perlite 2.5 parts sand 2parts potting soil and a tiny but of vermiculite i had left (probably like .25 parts) and a sprinkle of pulverized limestone. i didnt transplant yet because i wanted the...
  17. jiveturkey918

    MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!

    alright im about to go get some stuff to pot the other two plants i have. can i just use peat pert and sand if i add some lime?
  18. jiveturkey918

    Slow Growth and Yellow Spots. Pics. up

    nice. thats what i wanted to hear. thanks