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  1. cdd10

    seed shells.

    I have to agree with you, I'm a new grower and patience is hard Indeed lol its just so exciting growing imo :)
  2. cdd10

    When should plants get height to them?

    Bushy is good imo don't want it stretching too much
  3. cdd10

    Insecticide use.

    So should I use neem oil AND protekt or will just one of them be sufficient. I don't have bugs but I figure I might as well do some preventative maintenance ya know?
  4. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    i think i might have got a little too impatient and screwed up. i went ahead and fed them a little bit this watering. I fed them: 1.5 mL of buddha grow 1.5 mL of roots organic trinity 1.5 mL of amino-aide 1.5 mL of cal-mag think i screwed up and over fed them??? or shall I just have to wait...
  5. cdd10

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    Imo to treat anyone like that no matter the age is wrong.... The fact that he is 79 does make it way worse though. I say give him 15 years minimum maybe he will learn to use his damn brain.
  6. cdd10

    Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

    Obviously that guy has no morals.. He deserves everything he gets..
  7. cdd10

    Got my grow room set up, what ya think??

    How am I doing so far?
  8. cdd10

    Got my grow room set up, what ya think??

    Ah I see what you're saying that is a good idea. I gotta make it through the first grow first though right lol
  9. cdd10

    Got my grow room set up, what ya think??

    I would but I'm not exactly legal lol
  10. cdd10

    Got my grow room set up, what ya think??

    Oh I've been checking on them! And I know right I have just been buying legit stuff :) I'm high maintenance haha kind of ocd about having the best. If I can't eventually get the best stuff then I might as well not even grow lol I wanna grow with the best available equipment ya dig?
  11. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Well here they are as of this morning!
  12. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Ki Ah that sucks! And I'm gonna take some pics here in a sec. They grew quite a bit more during the dark last night. Checked the soil and don't think I'll have to water again for another day maybe two. I'm gonna let them get bone dry
  13. cdd10

    Light cycle

    Good answer to his response :) thanks guys!
  14. cdd10

    Light cycle

    Yeah that's why I'm wanting to switch :)
  15. cdd10

    Light cycle

    It's only the second week from sprout.
  16. cdd10

    Light cycle

    So I'm currently running my light cycle on 18/6 from 2 am - 8 pm. If I wanted to switch to where I was running the lights from 2 pm - 8 am would it be alright if I just left the lights on until those times the next day or would that throw the plants off..? I realized it's probably better for my...
  17. cdd10

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    The Blazers are winning because they shoot 41% from three point land as a team, that's pretty darn good.. Rubio is capable of putting up better numbers..
  18. cdd10

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    I would have to say Kevin Love because he really has no help well not as much as lamarcus Aldridge.. Timberwolves only win because of love whereas Aldridge has many great shooters around him to take the focus off him
  19. cdd10

    Question about this fan controller

    Yeah that is a way better price lol thanks! :)
  20. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Ah, they are all roots organic products