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  1. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Have you looked the law up? In the US they just tell you it's a law, but it really isn't a law I watched a show about it.. Lol
  2. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    In all reality it's not a law to have to pay income taxes..
  3. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I agree it's pretty fucked up that growing a plant could take away your freedom.. Actually it's more than pretty fucked up imo
  4. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I appreciate the encouragement! :)
  5. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Thanks man that really means a lot. It pulls pretty good man! :)
  6. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I'll try that! I've been looking to do that anyway!
  7. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Nope as long as we stay on the topic of my first grow :)
  8. cdd10

    you know your baked when......

    You know you're baked when you pass slick the fuck out haha.
  9. cdd10

    What would you do if you didn't have to work?

    Smoke weed. Lol
  10. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I'm just freaking out too much huh. I have too much time on my hands lol
  11. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Thanks man so I guess that yellow vein doesn't matter much?
  12. cdd10

    Insecticide use.

    Thanks guys! :)
  13. cdd10

    Got my grow room set up, what ya think??

    And I didn't know if I could put the light closer than 18" I have had it closer without heat problems...
  14. cdd10

    Got my grow room set up, what ya think??

    Ah I know man first grow didn't wanna use my feminized seeds yet I wanted to get the hang of growing first and make sure I could keep them alive lol :)
  15. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    well here they are this morning. no yellowing that i can see.....and i put a picture of those yellow veins on the fan leaves. hope they are good enough pictures. btw this is day 13 for the middle plant, day 12 for the left plant and day 11 for the little guy...also I moved the lights down to 16"...
  16. cdd10

    you're current job or weed , you pick

    Lol nice I wish they wouldn't have fired me though I liked me job seems like they fire all the good ones and keep all the ones that hate their job.
  17. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Yeah I was saying to myself don't put nutes in be patient as I was doing it lol :-P
  18. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Well too early to tell yet but the two larger plants do have a yellow vein on the larger bottom leaves. Have been reading and it might be a magnesium or phosphorus deficiency? Guess we will see if the small amount of nutes takes care of it. The runoff was 6.3 on the middle plant so I know pH is...
  19. cdd10

    The choice God makes when sending someone to Hell

    I never really got how people can say there is a heaven and a hell. Have they seen either one to be able to say so? Imo just because a book says there is one doesn't mean it's necessarily true.. I wouldn't worry about going to hell...
  20. cdd10

    you're current job or weed , you pick

    I just come off a 7 day work week. Come in on Monday to a random drug test. Shit! :( Oh well I guess lots of jobs pay the same small wage that I was making... (12.00/hr). Funny thing is that I was by far their best employee. I can't even sit at home and smoke a joint and keep a job :/ that's...